Posted 13 years ago by test test

How the Restaurant Menu App Could Revolutionize the Dining Experience3 min read

The future of technology is bright indeed; as is the future of dining when paired like a fine wine to any restaurant’s offerings. While there is some confusion regarding digital menus, and how they may actually detract from the dining experience as we know it, such couldn’t be any further from the truth. The dining experience at the present is one that is wonderful, but like any experience, it is also one that could be heightened by making a few key changes that serve to improve the overall experience. In par with this ideal is the restaurant menu app – a method that empowers restaurants to connect with existing and prospective patrons using digital technology that serves to streamline the hospitality industry. We shall dig into the numerous caveats of the restaurant menu app and how it can revolutionize the food service industry in today’s article.

Real Time Reservations As Easy As 1, 2, 3!

First and foremost, reservations placed over the phone are outdated and discourage customers to make them because they need to find the number of the restaurant, place a phone call, and generally wait on hold in order to make a reservation. With an app on their computer, tablet or smart device, it’s truly an effortless method. The app enables them to select their desired restaurant and time of reservation as well as party size. It communicates directly with the restaurant’s integrated digital menu system. As reservations come in they are tracked in real time via the integrated Real Time Reservation System, and the confirmation is sent to the customer as well as to the management, so there is no confusion.

Enables Mobile Ordering from Smartphone or Smart Devices On The Go

Say a customer just wants to order carry-out or delivery from a restaurant. No problem. They need only access their restaurant menu app. They can then browse a vivid digital menu and read detailed descriptions that are accompanied by high-resolution pictures of menu items with prices and pairing suggestions. Patrons are able to place secure orders and tender payment securely, all tracked in real time via the integrated iPad menu and POS system at the restaurant. Orders can be placed from the website of the restaurant or via the handy app.

Offer Free Downloads in App Marketplace to Existing & Prospective Patrons

Gaining more customers is easy when you have an iPad menu app that they will enjoy using. The app can be offered as a free download in the app marketplace. Patrons can also share the app with friends, who can also download and start using it. Many customers will find the app to be so useful that they will keep it installed on their smart devices for future use.

Enhanced Overall Dining Experience with Improved Service

Lastly, say a customer is dining at your restaurant and you do offer digital menus with this app. They can even choose to simply use their smartphone or smart device to browse your menu. Or they can be offered a sleek digital menu upon their arrival. Key features like a “request waiter” feature automatically pings the server via the patent-pending Open Communicator, which notifies servers via their smartphone that a customer requires their immediate attention. No more flagging servers down for drink refills or service, one button does it all. Additionally, when the time comes to tender payment, customers can pay securely via the POS, or press one button to request their bill. With customer feedback submissions features for management, social media sharing features, and real time ordering with custom order specifications, it’s hard not to agree that the dining experience is greatly enhanced with the wonderful technology that is available for restaurants to start implementing right now with digital menus.