Posted 4 years ago by Andrew Cruz

Recover from COVID-19. Be an Agile Business Owner

In today’s post, we’ll be revealing how the restaurant industry is about to change forever, and how you can anticipate these changes. ...

Posted 4 years ago by Andrew Cruz

How to Update Your Restaurant Mission Statement for COVID-19

Why did you start your own restaurant? Why are you in this business? What sets you apart from your competitors? When was ...

Posted 4 years ago by Andrew Cruz

Get More Sales During COVID-19: Think Like a Customer

In today’s post, we’re examining how customers think. That’s right: we’re going to reveal what they want from you in these difficult ...

Posted 4 years ago by Andrew Cruz

5 Must Know Restaurant Management Skills for COVID-19

In today’s post, we’re tackling a troubling topic: how do you manage your restaurant while trying to navigate the many twists and ...

Posted 4 years ago by Andrew Cruz

COVID-19 Tune Up: Beat the Odds Today

As restaurants across the country resume operations, we want all restaurant owners and operators to be aware of the following COVID-19 management ...

Posted 4 years ago by Andrew Cruz

14 Proven Ways to Safeguard Your Restaurant Revenue in Times of Crisis

The COVID-19 crisis is unprecedented in human history. No other modern event has shut down businesses for this long. The impact of ...

Posted 4 years ago by Andrew Cruz

The 14 Point Restaurant Reopening Check List You Must Read

In today’s post, we’ll explore 14 ways you can make sure your reopening goes off without a hitch. You’ll learn:   How ...

Posted 4 years ago by Andrew Cruz

How to Use Hyper-Palatable Food to Boost Restaurant Revenue

Have you heard about the hyper-palatable food controversy?  Health experts are warning consumers to avoid these foods. But why? And why does ...

Posted 4 years ago by Andrew Cruz

Prosper in 2020 and Beyond by Auditing Your Menu

In today’s post, we’re proud to offer you truly next-level advice on how to evaluate and audit your menu. After all, your ...

Posted 4 years ago by Andrew Cruz

How to Outshine Your Competitors During COVID

Often, outshining the competition comes down to effort. It’s the little extra steps you take each day—the sweat equity that you’re willing ...