Posted 13 years ago by test test

Rethinking Restaurant Management with an iPad POS System3 min read

iPad POS AppIt’s time to think about how we manage our restaurants with a keen eye on the future of technologies and how they can vastly improve upon the food service business model and metric. Gone are the days where every function requires manual interaction. Here are the days where your previous managerial headaches are cured. Take a stroll with us down Technology Lane, as we intimate the key amenities of an iPad POS system…and how it can effectively put you in the driver seat for a more efficient business model and a greater return on investment.

Your Inventory Becomes a Breeze

Perhaps one of the most dreaded aspects of running any food service business is tracking and managing the inventory. Seeing as inventory is a critical aspect of the efficient management of any food service business, it can make or break an entity. With Open’s iPad POS Systems in place, never fret over your inventory or your numbers again. That’s because we’ve designed it to be nearly entirely automated for your convenience. Enter in your initial numbers and vendor or merchant information just one time. When you are running low on certain items, the system will notify you with a low inventory alert. Then you can either place an order directly with your merchant for the items needed, or use the automated ordering feature that can populate shopping carts or send email orders directly to merchants.

Employee Management is Digitized

Toss out those outdate and obsolete paper time card systems. Beckon in the easy restaurant management of the future. With an iPad POS solution in place by Open, employees merely log into any access point (you can have as many access points as you desire, and you won’t have to worry about dropping tons of dough on multiple usage licensees, as there are none) and then log out once their shift has been completed. The nifty scheduling functions ease the burden of assigning work days for staff. With exportable data, you can submit employee hours and reports directly to your payroll services provider with the click of a button.

Streamlined, Automated Reservations

Reservations no longer require that an employee be tasked with answering the phone and manually making them. Rather, with an iPad POS system by Open in place, reservations can be automated from your website, or via the reservation app that’s included in our software suite. This allows you to book digital reservations online, in real-time, from your website or from our app (which enables users with smart devices to download the app for free and book reservations at your restaurant). Additionally, guests can access and view your entire digital menu via their smart device as well, further instigating an increase of inbound reservations. The iPad POS automatically books the tables, ensures that there will be an open table and confirms the reservation in the system, notifying your staff that a reservation has been made for a particular date and time.

Remote Access to Your iPad POS System

Work should be fulfilling, but it shouldn’t comprise your entire life. We all need to take breaks. Let’s say that you are traveling and you happen to be thinking about your restaurant and its operation in the back of your head. No problem. You can easily access your iPad POS system via our POS app (Check out Open’s POS app) that grants you secure and remote, cloud-based access. Check on how many reservations that you have for the day, what tables are filled, which employees are clocked in and are working, what items have been ordered, your daily numbers and so much more, and all from any internet-enabled device that you happen to own. You could be catching some sun rays on the beach over the weekend, and simply activate the POS app from your smartphone and instantly be apprised of everything and anything that is going on in your restaurant. How’s that for convenience and control in the palm of your hand?

Learn more about Open’s iPad POS system that’s included in our All-in-One Digital Menu Solution by visiting us online Here.