Posted 13 years ago by test test

Imagine Being Able to Summon Your Waiter from an iPad Menu with a Smartphone App…2 min read

iPad menu, smartphone app, Open communicator, ipad menus, digital menuThe future of dining is about to arrive a restaurant near you. In case you are wondering what comprises the future of food service, it’s a digitized, interactive, actionable, exciting, and most importantly, enhanced and far more convenient experience. That’s because if you happen to be dining at a restaurant that features Open’s patent pending iPad menu, well, things that you used to have to fret over when dining out will quickly become a thing of the past; a long forgotten memory of the dining experience that once was.

Know What You’re Ordering

Sure, that fancy description sounds enticing on the menu … but what does that entrée actually look like? That $250 bottle of 20 year aged wine sounds inviting, but what is the vintage, what are its pairing options, high notes, low notes, etc.? You want your NY prime cut steak cooked blue in the center, so where do you specify that? In the past, you had to ask servers questions and try to picture a menu item in your mind before ordering it. However, in the future – or the right now, which is the future – you can use iPad menus to view vivid and tantalizing pictures of menu items, read entire wine and beer lists, and see pairing options. And one more thing: custom specify exactly how you want your meal cooked, so it’s done perfectly the first time around. It’s that simple. Look, touch, explore, learn, order and: be completely satisfied.

The Open Communicator (Patent Pending)

The big topic of the day, however, is something that is so innovative that it will have you rethinking the way that you used to view dining out and receiving excellent, unsurpassed, five star services. Introducing the Open Communicator smartphone app, the one of a kind, 21st century solution to streamlining excellence in customer service. Now, whenever you place an order from an iPad menu, that order is pinged to your server’s smartphone. For example, you are seated and handed your menu. When you are done browsing the menu, you simple enter your order. The server’s smartphone device is pinged so that they are alerted that you ordered some drinks, and that you have food that will need to be expedited from the kitchen shortly. The bar makes your drinks and then alerts the waiter via the Open Communicator. The server then instantly knows your drinks are ready, which facilitates a much quick response and more enhanced service. Need a new drink, simply request the waiter from your menu. Want the bill, request the waiter. Have a question, request the waiter. Need anything, press a button and … request the waiter.

Mobile waiters with smart devices with real-time alerts makes for a much finer dining experience. Learn more about Open’s all-in-one digital menu solution.