Posted 13 years ago by test test

Five Fitting Applications of the Self Order Kiosk (iPad Kiosk)3 min read

self order kiosk | iPad kioskWhen you first enter into a crowded café or a busy small food service business, and there is a line trailing out the door – or nearly – what are the first thoughts that pop into your head? Most people think, “Oh great, here we go … how long will it take until I am finally served?” Then we also second guess the situation many times as well, and generally weigh our options as to other nearby venues that we could facilitate our nourishment without us being subjected to a painstakingly long line. However, imagine that there was a traditional line at such places and then that there was an expedited iPad-powered fast lane where customers could place their food orders using an innovative self order kiosk with included POS app – one that enabled them to place their orders, enter custom order specifications (like “medium-rare,” or, “no mayo”) and be served without having to deal with lines or tedious employee interactions. That’s the power of the self order kiosk…in a nutshell.

Pizza Mania: Say you are craving some hot pies but you don’t like how long it takes to be served or to place an order, or you want to be more visually enticed. With a self service kiosk at the table, you can easily browse and customize pizza orders. Your server merely handles food expediting and ensuring that your other needs are tended to.

Wine Bar Heaven: The iPad kiosk definitively has a place at any wine bar. Most wine bars house thousands of bottles of different wines, but are only able to tell you about so many on their limited paper menu. With iPad kiosks, this all changes; now you can browse and learn about every wine they have to offer.

Stacking Burgers: Several burger joint chains are already experimenting with the iPad self order system. Using such technological accolades, proprietors of these restaurants have realized that there are millions of potential burger combinations. This means more fun when ordering, and a more customer-focused experience.

Hotel Lobbies: Can you imagine how convenient it would be to have an iPad kiosk menu in a hotel lobby that you are staying in. Think of it in this manner: it could be your digital concierge. Now you can learn about nearby attractions, book event tickets and so much more.

Cafes, Small Eateries, etc.: Small eateries, cafes and even some smaller businesses could all benefit from offering a self order iPad. Now you can choose to wait in the digital line – which is much faster – or the regular line. You will have more choices and a more enhanced, streamlined dining experience as a result.

Open is pleased to present the world’s first self order Kiosk that won’t cost you a fortune to implement. Our iPad Kiosks include our industry leading full suite of digital menu software with optional POS app for only $39/month with no contracts or hidden fees (hardware costs a one-time extra free). Learn more about how you can get started with a self order kiosk today.