Posted 12 years ago by test test

Digitized Dining: Ten Ways That Digital Menus Aim to Reshape the Future of Hospitality3 min read

Think back to the pre-internet days, the day and age where technology was in its infant stages, and would later evolve at such a tremendous pace that even analysts would be blindsided with disbelief. If you were to travel backwards in time to the mid-80s and tell a person dwelling in that reality that they would have tablet, handheld computers someday that were so powerful that they would be able to do nearly anything with them, chances are pretty fair that you would be laughed out of that decade while being catechized for making false claims. That’s how stoned-age that technology was just a mere three decades prior. Today, the handheld tablets we enjoy using are more powerful than supercomputers that the Department of Defense used back in the 80s; supercomputers that generally took up entire buildings because they were so massive by design. It’s safe to say that advents and innovations like  iPad tablets have brought numerous accolades to mankind. And they also are the driving force behind the technological remodeling of the entire hospitality industry, and present a new era of digital dining with digital menus.

Ten Ways That Digital Menus Aim to Reshape the Future of Hospitality

  1. Digital menus are more affordable than paper menus, and they do not need to be redesigned and reprinted several times per year, which saves business owners thousands of dollars.
  2. A digital menu can display high-resolution pictures of menu items in a classy format; and recent studies show that people eat/order more food when they have an enticing picture in front of them (of the menu item).
  3. You can synch a point of sale system to any digital menu tablet, thus negating the need to spend thousands on multiple usage licenses, or terminals; traditional POS is outdated and obsolete.
  4. The tablets can also feature other added amenities, like streaming news, social media sharing features and valuable customer feedback features that provide actionable, priceless feedback about the dining experience.
  5. An iPad menu presents an attractive, 21st century method of digital dining with a succinct focus upon customer service, interaction and interactivity.
  6. Menus can be easily designed and updated throughout the day in minutes; no need to reprint or redesign menus because one or two items changed.
  7. With flashy digital menu software in the mix, customers can simply touch a button on the screen of their menu to request a server, their check or even a drink refill.
  8. Most restaurants that upgrade from paper to digital menus realize an increase in sales of as much as 30% inside of the first year.
  9. When compared to the cost of printing and designing paper menus annually, digital menus generally pay for “their” associated overheads costs inside of the first year.

Learn more about how you could be using a 21st century digital menu solution by Open with tons of bells and whistles. With our 90 day buyback guarantee, there is no risk whatsoever. No need to fret over hidden fees or lengthy contracts, as there are none. Find out what you’ve been missing out on by Clicking Here.