Posted 12 years ago by test test

iPad Menus with included iPad POS … You Don’t Say2 min read

ipad menuConsider this: pictures are truly worth a million words. So imagine how your guests will feel when they can see pictures of menu items – your amazing and savory creations – on feature-rich and fun-to-use, state-of-the-art iPad menus? Did you know that recent studies have concluded that pictures of food on menus can actually increase sales? Did you also know that most restaurants that have implemented iPad digital menus report vast sales increases – by as much as 20% – within the first 90 days? So you not only can enjoy improved sales, but you also can attract more guests. Imagine who they will tell about your iPad menu? With built-in social media apps, like Twitter and Facebook, they could be telling tons of their friends about your business while they are enjoying first rate service and eats!

Easy Software for iPad Digital Menus

Creating and updating your digital menus has never been so simple, streamlined or fun. Our software is as easy to use as sending an email. You simple name your menus, your menu items and prices. Next add enticing descriptions to each menu item and assign a price. Then upload pictures and you are done. Rotate between menus at the click of a button to change menus throughout the day. Update menu items in seconds. Never pay to print or have menus designed again, once you add iPad menus to your restaurant.

Affordable iPad POS System & Solution

When you think about how much money that you are paying for your current POS system, it can really add up to some serious bucks. Look around at what places are charging for POS software, and then factor your ongoing monthly costs. Some restaurants will spend in upwards of thousands of dollars on a POS solution. Sure, it can provide you with your POS needs, but does it entice your guests? Does it allow them to pay from the table using iPad menus? Does it really offer as many amenities as you would like for it to? With an iPad POS – it’s built right into the digital menu. Guests simply click “Pay Bill,” and they are ready to go. How’s that for innovation?

Ready to Get Started?

Get started today with Open’s digital menu software. Check out what we have going on, and see why it can benefit you now, and well into the future. You can even finance iPad  tablets for amazingly affordable monthly rates that are hard to top! Stop overpaying for your POS Solution and upgrade your restaurant to iPad Menus with an iPad POS System Solution today. Learn More