Posted 12 years ago by test test

Reducing Costs and Improving Efficiency with a Point-of-Sale iPad2 min read

Ever wonder if you were overpaying for your POS system and software? With newer innovations in technology emerging, there’s a good chance that you are. The ever changing metric and mantra of technology – the ebb and flow – has heralded in a newer, more affordable and more capable solution. It can be found in an iPad POS system.

Point-of-Sale iPad is vs. Conventional POS

Cost is a huge factor for any business, particularly overhead cost. With conventional POS, you pay through the roof just to get the system in place. Leading providers of the terminals and of the software can charge in upwards of a few thousand dollars per terminal and per software license. When you compare these staggeringly high numbers to the low monthly cost of a point-of-sale iPad, there really is no comparison; the iPad system is more than 95% cheaper than outdated conventional POS is. And that’s a fact.

Synching Point-of-Sale iPad with iPad Menus

The convenience of the point-of-sale iPad system does not just stop at offering you a more affordable, less bulky and more capable, greener point-of-sale system. Rather, you can easily synch the point-of-sale iPad with any iPad tablet and offer decadent iPad menus for your guests that are dining in. Now guests can view pictures of menu items and read detailed descriptions, which encourages more food orders, according to recent studies. Patrons can Tweet or update their Facebook status by using the nifty built-in social media plug-ins. They can be informed if a menu item is out of stock via the point-of-sale iPad inventory management and tracking system. And, they can summon a waiter to the table by pressing an on-screen button, or even tender payment securely with an instantly emailed receipt.

One-Button Reporting Does Most of the Work

Imagine how much more convenient that it would be to run your business when you could effortlessly crunch the numbers by merely pressing a button. With iPad POS in place, you can. One button easily creates hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports. The built-in inventory management and tracking system tells you what items that you need to order more of, what items are still in stock, and how much of what, what those items will cost you, and your profit and loss ratios on the items. Send totally secure batches to your merchant services provider at the end of business day by simply pressing a button. Conventional POS systems had better move to the back of the line, because its replacement has arrived, found in the slim iPad tablets with a custom point-of-sale iPad solution that costs far less and that does so much more.

Learn more about Open’s All-in-One iPad POS Solution