Posted 12 years ago by test test

Four Fitting, Modern Applications for the iPad Kiosk2 min read

iPad KioskWhere would humanity be without the refined technology of the present day? Perhaps still breaking the tips of our fingers on old school typewriters with those nifty little whiteout pens for when a mistake needs to be corrected. We’d all be a bit naïve to claim that we don’t rely greatly upon technology. Many of us are frequent texters. Some of us are smartphone snobs and swear by that iPhone and its 4G splendor as our primary portal to the World Wide Web. Over here at Open, we firmly believe that the venerable technology of the iPad tablet is astoundingly advanced for its time, and as a result it opens up wide the doors of innovation. For smaller businesses that are trying see where technology as grand as this fits into their operational metric, the iPad Kiosk is the affordable, high-tech answer. What follows are four fitting, modern day applications for theses cost effective, interactive, consumer retention devices.

Wine Bar: The digital wine list is the new face of the wine bar. Think about it. A wine bar has thousands of bottles of wine, but generally a teeny-tiny menu. With an iPad kiosk, now every single bottle of wine can be seen by customers. They can also learn about the different wines, read a vibrant description and even order directly from the kiosk.

Café: Imagine how much more efficient your lunch hour rush would be if you had one line of customers ordering from iPad kiosks and the other traditionally ordering? A few prominent café chains have already toyed with this idea, and the results were staggeringly in favor of.

Pizza Joint: A couple pizza parlors in Southern California have already begun testing the iPad kiosk on tabletops. After they finished setting up the menus, the owners were happy to report that thanks to these kiosks, customers now have more than a million different ways to create a pie.

Burger Shop: Similar to the pizza joint, a well known gourmet burger chain in LA has implemented tabletop iPad kiosks for customers. Now they can create their burgers and order and pay right from the table (there are countless different combinations they can create).

Learn more about Open’s iPad Kiosk.