Posted 12 years ago by test test

Comparing iPad POS to Outdated POS – There is NO Comparison3 min read

It’s a doer’s world where takers taker and givers get. We all know that business is unforgiving and that the cost of business has dramatically risen while the profit side of the seesaw has exponentially dropped. In the wake of these economic shifts, more businesses are innovating more affordable ways to conduct the same business that they used to in attempts to solidify a realistic return on investment. For businesses that sit in the food service demographic, they already have the odds a bit stacked against them.

For example, according to recent statistics that have set the precedent for food service businesses of all kinds over the past several decades, analysts wholeheartedly concur that most food service businesses will fail during their first two years of operation. A large percentage of those that do make it past the pivotal two year trial gap will fail within five years. Few will enjoy that lasting success and accolades of that trademark, signature dining hotspot.

In summation: the more that business owners can do to up the bar of service while reducing costs – and not compromising on quality – the much more likely it is that their restaurant will make it past the trials and tribulations and come out on top, unscathed. One method of ensuring lasting success is by reducing overhead costs and improving quality. A simple, modern day answer to that happens to be easily found in the iPad POS.

Outdated POS Pros & Cons

  • Cost you $1000s in setup fees, software, installation, hardware and personnel training.
  • Requires multiple-use licenses that are costly and required for each POS unit and sales point.
  • Does NOT feature a smart inventory with smart inventory alerts or auto-ordering.
  • Is NOT accessible via secure and remote, cloud-based access.
  • Does NOT come with a full suite of industry leading digital menu software.
  • The POS terminals are bulky and cost TONS of money per terminal.
  • Does NOT come with handy smartphone apps like order food apps, restaurant delivery apps, reservation apps and others.
  • Does NOT streamline reservations directly into the system from your website.
  • Does NOT enable secure payment at table from customers who don’t want to wait around hollering at servers to get their check.
  • Does NOT make any sense during the present digital age.

Open’s iPad POS Pros & Cons

  • Low monthly fee with no contracts or hidden fees.
  • NO multiple-use licensees required; use on as many sales points as you like for the same low monthly fee.
  • Smart inventory alerts you when items are running low, and even has a nifty auto-order feature that can populate online merchant shopping carts with the items that need to be reordered.
  • Finance the iPad tablets from us at amazing rates (OAC), or buy them from anywhere that you like and use the iPad POS with them.
  • Enables secure payment at table.
  • Easy to use. Easy to setup. Minimal training required. Full tech support included.
  • Includes full suite of industry leading digital menu software.
  • Streamlines reservations from your website directly into the POS system.
  • Features cloud-based access; check on your numbers from anywhere that you have an internet-enabled device.
  • Includes tons of apps that require no programming on your part for patrons who swear by using their smartphones (digital menu app, restaurant ordering app, restaurant delivery app, takeout app, reservation app and much more).
  • More affordable than conventional POS by at least 60%.

Learn more about iPad POS by Open.