Posted 12 years ago by test test

How Open’s Mobile POS (iPhone POS) Mobilizes Your Servers2 min read

Mobile POSThe mobile day and age is upon us. If you read our last blog – regarding smartphones and apps –you would know that according to ComScore, there is an estimated 100-million smartphone users in the US now. Simply put: roughly a third of our entire populate relies upon intelligent mobile devices to make their lives easier and more convenient. So doesn’t it seem about time that the servers at restaurants were in on the “mobile” digital and smart revolution? What follows are three ways that the mobile POS by Open, (iPhone POS) can help mobilize your servers and staff, exponentially increase customer service, decreasing wait times and improve the the efficiency of your establishment.

It’s the 21st Century – Now Your Servers are Mobilized Like Never Before …

With mobile POS by Open, you servers can now:

  • Send orders directly to the kitchen from their smartphone. No more writing orders down, then heading over to the POS station, and then submitting them; or heading to the kitchen to submit them. Servers simply enter in the order and shoot it directly over to the kitchen printer.
  • Reduce order errors. With mobile POS, servers have an extra chance to review orders to eliminate any errors … before they are sent to your line cooks, and before you mistakenly make the wrong dish that you later have to replace at the customer request.
  • Increase serving efficiency and reducing wait time. During your busiest hours, mobile POS ensures that your wait time is dramatically reduced. This enables to you serve guests more speedily and effectively, thus opening up more tables and increasing your capability of serving more guests during your most profitable hours of operation, without compromising on quality of service or customer experience.
  • Customers can summons a waiter (from the digital menu) by pressing a button, which notifies your waiter via their mobile POS device.
  • Servers are instantly notified when customers place an order.
  • Check requests ping the server’s mobile device to streamline service.
  • Once a menu becomes active (when a customer starts browsing the menu after they have been seated), the server is notified immediately.

Learn more about Open’s industry leading All-in-One Digital Menu Solution. Find out how a digital menu can reshape the way that you provide customer service, helping you finely tune your operations and truly offer the five-star service that customers crave.