Posted 12 years ago by test test

Just How Appealing is an iPad Menu? Recent Statistics Paint a Pretty Picture2 min read

Just How Appealing is an iPad Menu? Recent Statistics Paint a Pretty PictureWe all know that iPad tablets are very powerful and popular devices. But the real numbers serve to shed some light on just how increasingly popular they have become during the present day and age. With the iPad 3 out and wowing people with the Retina Display, it’s safe to say that it’s one of the most popular tablets in the world. Considering how many people use these tablets each day, while also factoring in how appealing they are to people who may not yet own one, the true numbers shed some light on how they can serve to attract your guests and better retain them in your restaurant by using the tablets to offer a digital iPad menu.

Statistics on iPad Tablet Usage (Survey Source:

How Often Do Users Rely Upon Their iPad?

  • Users who use an iPad use their desktop computer 35% less often
  • Users who use an iPad use their laptop 39% less often
  • 87% of all iPad owners use it nearly every day of the week
  • 26% use the tablet for about an hour or two daily
  • 24% use the tablet for more than two hours daily
  • 69% use it in the bedroom
  • 42% use it in the kitchen

Most Common Things People Use the iPad for:

  • Emailing – 63%
  • Entertainment – 53%
  • Playing games – 48%
  • Social networking – 41%
  • Researching products and services – 29%
  • Reading books – 25%
  • Listening to music – 21%
  • Shopping – 19%
  • Reading magazines – 13%
  • For work – 13%
  • Watching TV – 11%

App Statistics for iPads:

  • 16% have purchased an app
  • 84% would use an app if it were free of charge
  • Free apps are twice as popular as apps that cost money
  • Friend recommendations are important for apps and drive 27% of consumer app sales and usage
  • There are more than 225,000 iPad apps on the app marketplace

Want to find out more about an All-in-One iPad menu solution by Open? Find out how you can start offering free apps for your restaurant to your valued customers. Learn more about how you can increase sales and loyalty by allowing your customers to recommend and rate your dishes on Facebook and Twitter, as well as recommend, rate and share your apps to their friends, driving more sales. Learn more about Open’s iPad menu solution.