Posted 13 years ago by test test

Would You Frequent an Eatery That Has Digital Menus Over One That Doesn’t?2 min read

digital_menuAs more eateries upgrade their static paper menus to the flashy and desirable digital menu iPads of the new millennium, more picky guests could be frequenting these establishments as opposed to the latter.

Would you rather go to a restaurant that has an interactive wine list with descriptions, vintage and history as well as pairing options, or one that does not? Would you rather look at pictures that are of high resolution and that truly demonstrate excellence in presentation before placing an order, including details on the ingredients and suggested appetizers and beverages to compliment your meal or not? Would you rather be able to merely press a button on an iPad and request table service, order a another drink, specify your meal preparation and even tender payment and tip or not? Of course you would, and that’s the advantage that digital menus offer.

Kinds of Features Customers Love on Digital Menus

But digital menus have so much more to offer than just that. What about being able to read the latest breaking news on the tablet while you wait for your food to be delivered to your table? Or, imagine logging in and sending out emails while you dine? Perhaps you would like to update your Facebook status, shoot a photo to a friend or even tweet about your dining experience? These are all features that you can expect from the innovative digital menus of today.

Improved Service and Efficiency with Digital Menus

What if servers didn’t have to focus upon taking your order? What if they could serve you better and faster? What if you could easily find out everything you wanted to know about menu items and even a restaurant’s history by reading about it on a digital menu? Can you imagine how such digital menus could vastly improve efficiency and up the satisfaction of your overall dining experience?

Flashy Gadgets Spur Consumer Awareness & Increase Loyalty

Would you be more attracted to a restaurant that had these digital menus as opposed to one that did not offer then? Would you be more inclined to dine there again if you could see a noticeable difference in your service and dining experience? Wouldn’t you be more likely to tell your friends and family about these nifty digital menus that you got to use when you last ate out with your friends? This is all part of the next path in the future of restaurants. Keep a keep eye peeled—because before you know it digital menus like this will be in your favorite eateries in the very near future.