Posted 12 years ago by test test

Half of All US Households Contain at Least One Apple Product – The Power of the iPad Menu1 min read

Half of All US Households Contain at Least One Apple Product – The Power of the iPad MenuNo matter if the product – that’s made by Apple – is a mini Nano, an iPod, iPad, iPhone or Mac desktop or even laptop, according to recent research half of all US households have at least one Apple product. And actually, it’s a bit more than half, as was recently revealed in a CNBC national survey. This is telling for how many people would already be technologically familiar with and inclined to use an intuitive iPad menu… should they be handed one when they dine at your restaurant next.

As far as the actual numbers are concerned with Apple product ownership in the US, it’s estimated that the average household actually has approximately 1.6 Apple products, according to the CNBC survey. Here’s some more breakdown on those numbers for you statistic loving protagonists.

  • 55-million households currently own at least one Apple product (iPad, Mac, laptop, iPod, etc.).
  • Of the estimated 55-million households that do not currently own at least one Apple product, 5-million are planning to acquire an Apple product in the near future.
  • 25% of the households that have an Apple product are planning to add another one to their arsenal in the near future.
  • Less than one-third of households with a median income of less than $33,000 per year own at least one Apple product.
  • 77% of households with a median income of $70,000 per year or higher own at least one or more Apple devices.

Open Asks: Imagine how attractive an iPad menu would be for your regular customers?

Learn more about how you could be offering your guests a brand name Apple product that they already know and love as their own digital menu. With the iPad Menu by Open, this is not a possibility… this is a reality.