Posted 13 years ago by test test

USA Today Reports Digital Menus Making Way into Signature Resorts in US, Abroad2 min read

Ordering room service from an iPad tablet? Booking your car rental or vacation and sightseeing trip? Having fresh towels delivered to your room? These are all perks that digital menus on iPads offer for guests staying at select hotels and resorts, according to a recent report from the USA Today.

A guest staying at the exclusive five star hotel, the Mondrian (SoHo), recalls her experience using iPad digital menus in a hotel room, in a recent interview with USA Today.

Seunghee Thomson was interested in finding some nearby top rated nightclubs in SoHo and decided to use the included iPad digital menu that was in her hotel room. She simply sent a simple text message to customer services via the iPad tablet.

Of her experience, she told USA Today, “While I was waiting, I was thinking maybe I should call back to see if they got my message, but they called me back right away,” she said. “It’s the first time I’ve had that experience in a hotel.”

Similar to many other luxurious hotel franchises, the Mondrian has stepped up efforts to improve customer services by adding these desirable and feature loaded tablets to many of their rooms. The iPad digital menus offer room service, amenities and even customized service needs – all right from an easy to use and flashy looking touch screen tablet.

The goal is to fully enhance a customer’s experience while staying at their hotel.

Like many other hotels that have a sharp focus on providing the max in ultra luxurious gadgetry in efforts to appease customers’ needs, the easy answer is by including iPad digital menu apps into the mix – which can be added to any tablet and easily synched with the main computer system.

The apps are easily installed and maintained, and help to appeal to a 21st century digital age of consumers, according to Michael Planey, a travel technology analyst. “For a lot of hotels, it’s an extension of the kiosk mentality,” he told USA Today. “The app economy is about giving people control of their own environment”

According to the article in USA Today – some luxury airliners are now toying with the idea of using digital menu software to up the level of service for their passengers. In the very near future, you could see these become the new technological standard for restaurants, hotels and even airliners.

Read Full News Article Here

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