Posted 13 years ago by test test

21 Reasons to LOVE iPad Food Menus2 min read

The next status quo for restaurants worldwide is popular, feature rich, attractive and enticing iPad food menus. Learn the top 21 reasons why you’ll love them.

When people love a particular product or service, well, they tend to tell tons of other people about it. This has probably happened to you during your lifetime and you may not have even realized that you were positively plugging a product or service, as you were merely telling your friends, family or acquaintances about your wonderful experience with that product or service. Much is the same when it comes to eating out: word of mouth will make or break a restaurant, and often comprises a large part of the “success” metric of any joint that is a food service provider.

When you add iPad food menus to any restaurant, the ability to stream word of mouth to thousands of people is more easily realized. People Tweet, they update Facebook, they send emails, and they talk about you in their favorite social media spots. More importantly, they remember your place. Without further ado, let’s examine the prospective top reasons why people – or you – will love iPad food menus. Try to imagine how this amorous tendency could crossover to any restaurant, too.

Top 25 Reasons to LOVE iPad Food Menus

  1. Let’s just say it here: people love iPads
  2. Touch screen ordering is hard to beat
  3. Streaming social media apps allow you to stay connected
  4. Ability to learn more about the entrees before placing an order
  5. Customized cooking specifications submitted directly to the kitchen
  6. Calling the waiter to your table at the touch of a button
  7. Being able to synch smart phone apps to the tablets
  8. Streaming headlines news feeds to keep you up to date
  9. Nifty family-friendly video games provide entertainment
  10. Interactive wine lists suggest pairing and offer history on vintages
  11. High resolution menus make your mouth water for signature dishes
  12. Updated inventory means you know when they are out of a particular item
  13. Meal suggestions, such as special deals or happy hour, make things easier
  14. Servers can better focus on serving you, while you use the iPad food menu to get the answers you seek
  15. No more waiting to place an order
  16. No more waiting to get your bill
  17. No more waiting to pay and leave
  18. Submit your comments via the iPad food menu to the manager
  19. Order drinks for the newly engaged couple at the table just across the way
  20. Be excited about going out to eat again in a technologically savvy, customer service oriented atmosphere
  21. Interactive dining is the next step for the future of restaurants, and iPad food menus are at the forefront of this