Posted 12 years ago by test test

Recent Mobile Ordering Stats Paint a Pretty Picture About an Order Food App5 min read

How popular are mobile apps for placing orders (of any kind, not just food) … according to recent statistics, they are immensely popular. This newer form of mobile ordering isn’t just trendy: it represents a technological shift to the mobile handset device. As technology becomes more compact, agile and capable—people who previously had no access to the internet are now enjoying access thanks to smartphones and cushy, roomy data plans. Telling of these numbers is a recent survey that was conducted by PEW, which demonstrated that 45% of all cell phone users in the US have a smartphone. Furthermore, the same survey stated that 88% of all adults in the US now have a cell phone, and that 46% of all US adults now use smartphones. Interestingly enough, smartphones are not the only factor in web browsing from a mobile platform; as the same survey shows that 41% of US adults use “simple features” cell phones; but they are equipped with a web browser. So could all of these technological protagonists be the harbingers of a revolution that sees vast web usage migration to the smartphone handset platforms, of which they are mostly dominated by iPhone backend software interfaces?

We’ll dig into some interesting and recent statistics that shed some more light on this matter.

Mobile Commerce and Engagement Stats

  • A Mobile Marketing Association study found that mobile ads account for about 7% of marketing budgets. (Source: Marketing Evolution, 2012)
  • Mobile messaging ad-spend is estimate to exceed $7-billion by 2017.
  • 74% of consumers who are located in the United States rely upon location based services (from their smartphone). (Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2012)
  • About 68% of men will more than likely tender purchases due to mobile ads; about 58% of women will do the same thing. Men are more like to use mobile coupons, too; 35% compared to 27%. (Source: Mobile Advertising Survey, 2012)
  • 64% of smartphone users have made a purchase based upon seeing mobile ads. (Source: Mobile Advertising Survey, 2012)
  • Roughly 54% of consumers in North American would take into consideration ending relationships relative to their brand loyalty if they were presented with relevant offers that were tailored to their demographic. (Source: CMO Council, 2012)
  • Smartphones are estimate to surge retail store sales to an increase of about $689-billion by 2016; an increase of about 19%. (Source: Deloitte, 2012)
  • 55% of mobile phone owners use their phone for web access. (Source: Pew Research Center, 2012)
  • Usage of the web on mobile phone is estimated to take over desktop usage by 2014. (Source: Microsoft Tag, 2012)
  • A poorly designed mobile website will detract 57% of visitors, and 40% will go to a competing site after a shoddy experience using their mobile handset. (Source: Compuware, 2012)
  • 45% of smartphone users relied upon their phone to make an in-store shopping decision. (Source: comScore Inc., and The Partnering Group, 2012)
  • 33% of smartphone owners have agreed to share their location with retailers by using features like a map on popular apps for retail. (Source: comScore Inc., and The Partnering Group, 2012)
  • Payment transactions (internationally) for mobile payments are estimated to cusp more than $171-billion in 2012; that’s a 62% increase from 2011. (Source: Gartner, 2012)
  • More than 63% of all mobile phone owners use their handsets to shop online. (Source: eDigitalResearch and Portaltech Reply, 2012)
  • Nearly 75% of smartphone users relied upon their device to get directions to a location, an increase of 55% from 2011. (Source: Pew Research Center, 2012)
  • About 25% of smartphone users have made a purchase using their devices in the past week. (Source: Wave Collapse, 2012)
  • 93% of smartphone users who have relied upon apps for in-store shopping have made a purchase at a location. (Source: Wave Collapse, 2012)
  • Half of all smartphone users rely upon GPS apps to find locations. (Source: Nielsen, 2012)
  • More than 115-million Americans will be using a smartphone by the end of 2012, an increase from 93-million in 2011. (Source: eMarketer, 2012)
  • 64% of smartphone users say they are more favorable to brands who offer mobile apps. (Source: Luxury Institute, 2012)
  • 85% of all merchants agree that mobile ecommerce is a big deal, that’s up about 68% from 2011. (Source: the etailing group, 2012)
  • Searches on mobile phones will generate nearly 28-billion more searches than desktops by the year 2016. (Source: BIA/Kelsey report, 2012)
  • According to eMarketer, there will be an estimated 115-million smartphone owners in the US by the end of this year and about 176-million by 2015. (Source: eMarketer, 2012)
  • Almost half of all smartphone users rely upon their devices to find out information about a product or service. (Source: Leo J. Shapiro and Associates, 2012)
  • 66% of all smartphone users in the US use their device to help them when shopping.(Source: Leo J. Shapiro and Associates, 2012)
  • 47% of smartphone users use their device to find a location. 46% use it to look at prices and 42% use it to check the inventory. (Source: Local and the e-tailing group, 2012)
  • 62% of shoppers search for deals digitally for at least half of their shopping trips. (Source: GMA/Booz & Company Shopper Survey)
  • More than 1-billion apps were downloaded during the week of Dec. 25-31 during 2011. (Source: Flurry, 2011)
  • 65% of smartphone users and mobile users said they relied upon their handsets to find a business to make a purchase. (Source: Google, 2011)
  • 45% of consumers have downloaded an app for retail. (Source: Retrevo, 2011)
  • More than 30-million consumers in the US already use their smartphones for shopping. (Source: research firm Experian Simmons, 2011 Mobile Consumer Report)
  • About 49% of smartphone users relied upon mobile web browsers to make a purchase over the past six months. (Source: ROI Research Inc., 2011)
  • More than half of consumers stated they have made a payment from a mobile device in the past three months. (Source: Mobio Identity Systems Inc. Report, 2011)
  • 62% of all smartphone owners stated they’ve made a purchase from their smartphone in the past six months. (Source: Adobe Survey, 2011)
  • By the year 2015, analysts predict that mobile shopping will account for $163-billion in annual sales.