Posted 12 years ago by test test

How Appealing Are Tablet-Based Digital Menus? 2012 Stats Are Telling of Their Propensity to Appeal Patrons2 min read

One question that a lot of restaurant owners have poised over the past few years since the inception of Open Digital Solutions is: how appealing is a digital menu to my customers? Furthermore, will customers actually be enthralled by the digital menu or confused and irritated that they have use a new ordering device? And one more question includes: who is likely to use these digital menus, and is the appeal wide enough for consideration to implement them into my restaurant? Today, we’ve compiled a few recent statistics regarding the overall usage of tablet computers in the US to help better answers these important questions regarding appeal of digital menus and whether or not they would can be the solution for your food service business that drives more customers in the door, fills more tables, enhances service and ultimately: generates increased profits.

ComScore reports that the usage of tablet computers nationwide has reached “critical mass” since the launch of the iPad tablet. The company, which specializes in analytics and data measurement, found in a recent study that the adoption to tablet from smartphone is an astoundingly increasing number in the US. About one out of every four smartphone users are also using tablet computers, from a three month period that marked the study which ended in April, 2012. Compared to 2011 stats, that’s more than a 50% increase (in 2011 just 9.6% of smartphone users used tablets as compared to 23.6 this year). Interestingly enough, even basic phone users are now using tablets, about 10.6%, according to ComScore. The company stated in conclusion to the study’s findings that, “smartphone ownership is highly predictive of tablet adoption in the current market.”

As far as the concentration of the overall audience user – something that restaurants will want to consider when making a decision as whether or not to implement digital menus – it’s fairly vast. According to ComScore, the average age range of tablet users ranges from 22-45. Senior (65-years-old or older) tablet users shouldn’t be overlooked, either; they account for more than 20% of tablet users. Only 27% of tablet users are estimated to be in the 18-24 age ranges. One final consideration is the income level of tablet users, something that the study revealed is more dense in higher income households; about two out of every three tablet users comes from a household that earns $75,000 per year or higher.

Could digital menus be the solution for your restaurant?

Learn more about a digital menu by Open, Inc.