Posted 13 years ago by test test

PREDICTION: When Can You Expect to See Digital Food Menus at Your Favorite Joint?3 min read

As more restaurants embrace the digital food menu trend, it’s becoming more commonplace here and there. But when can you expect to see them everywhere?

Ever wonder what the hang up is with digital food menus not being at your favorite place to dine? Really it’s just a short matter of time before they are. As a matter of fact (see the bottom of this blog entry), many places have already implemented them. Tons more are playing with the idea. Explore the short time line ahead in this fun and entertaining blog.

As Tablet Devices Become More Affordable – They Will Become More Commonplace

It seams like only yesterday that we had tablet PCs.  In reality it was. They are very new. Once we give technology a few more years to become a reality for most people, the price will drop on these gadgets. Once that happens, restaurants will race to add digital food menus, lest they be left behind in the wave of technology’s ever changing flavor.

Easier Access to Digital Menu Software Equates to More Digital Food Menus

Digital menu software plays an incremental role. Most restaurants don’t have the budget to pay for custom designed software. But with newer companies emerging that present an affordable digital menu software solution (hint-hint), more restaurants will realize that it doesn’t have to cost them an arm and a leg to add digital food menus to their mix of offered amenities. The result will be more restaurants adding these digital food menus in a very short period of time.

Types of Places That Already Have Digital Food Menus

There are tons of places that have already added digital food menus to the mix to spice up their ambience and offer more features, amenities and improved service to their valued clientele. Some are places that you might not have thought would have added digital food menus. For instance, hotels – see our blog on digital food menus in hotels. Popular café joints like Au Bon Pain have also added them – see our blog on digital food menus in Au Bon Pain.

Some wineries are also adding them to entice customers with a digital appeal – see our blog on digital food menus in wineries. Even some hospitals have added digital food menus to better educate patients and workers on the nutritional values of the food they are eating from the cafeteria – see our blog about digital food menus in hospitals.

From steak houses like Bones (see our blog on digital food menus in steak houses) to hamburger joints like Stacked in LA (see our blog on digital food menus in hamburger joints) – we predict that it’s not that far off of a time when you will soon be seeing digital foods menus nearly everywhere.

The future has arrived; it’s just waiting for some restaurants to still catch up to it.

Disclaimer: This is an independent report sourced from one or more news articles and or press releases; none of the company’s, entities or technologies digressed in this report are affiliated with or a client of Open.

Open offers a unique digital menus solution that could work for your business. Click Here to Learn More.