Posted 13 years ago by test test

More Restaurants Using iPad Restaurant Menus, According to Daily News Global2 min read

We’ve already been talking up a storm on our blog about how iPad restaurant menus really do up service, appeal and – most importantly – your sales. But as they say in the food service industry, “the proof is in the pudding.” And we aim to give you an ample taste of this sugary proof in just a tic.

A recent article that was published by Daily News Global, and which cites from a prior article regarding iPad restaurant menus that was originally published by the AP (Associated Press), confirms what we have been saying all this while: iPad restaurant menus do indeed increase revenues.

David Flom, the manager of Chicago Cut – a posh eatery in the Windy City, says that not only are iPad restaurant menus worth every penny of the investment, but that they start paying off big time and in a relatively short amount of time, too.

“We saw an increase of 20% for each wine that was ordered by each of our customers. iPad [restaurant menus] can not be expected to bring 100% of increasing, but we believe the result is quite significant,” Flom was quoted by the AP as stating. (See our blog about this.)

These nifty iPad restaurant menus are also being used by other places like Au Bon Pain in Boston and by 4Food (see our blog about this) in New York.

These eateries agree that not only do these iPad digital menus make sense, but they also make it more convenient for customers to tender payment, as they can offer an iPad restaurant menu POS (see our blog about iPad restaurant menu POS).

As you can see, the trend has already been set. It’s only a short matter of time before it becomes viral. When it does, you soon could be ordering food and paying for it, as well as experiencing a new flavor of dining that only the future can bring. And the future is exciting indeed.

Disclaimer: This is an independent report sourced from one or more news articles and or press releases; none of the company’s, entities or technologies digressed in this report are affiliated with or a client of Open.

Open offers a unique iPad restaurant menus solution that could work for your business. Click Here to Learn More.