Posted 13 years ago by test test

See Open’s iPad Restaurant Menu in Action!2 min read

Boy has this been a long time in coming ladies and gentlemen, but we have been hard at work all this while finely tuning our product and software and honing it (so it’s perfectly tweaked) all so that our iPad electronic restaurant menus are ready to rock and roll from day one, and with ease at that! To reiterate, the future is indeed now, and if you have not had a chance to see what these awesome iPad restaurant menus are capable of, rest assured that the video below will answer any and all questions that you ever had.


See how our handheld electronic menus work in action, and why digital emenus are the wave of the future, the next big thing in restaurants, and just how simple and fun they are to use, how much they excite customers, improve sales and boost retention and loyalty. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget about how EASY they are to integrate into any existing POS system. Yeah, the future just got a little tastier, as we spice things up with our new emenus!

Why iPad Restaurant Menus Make Sense

Think about this: what if you could change menus at the push of a button? What if your customers could see high resolution pictures that made them hungrier for your delicious entrees? What if they paid for themselves in the first year? And what if they improved sales by 10%, 15%, 20% or even more during the first 90 days? That’s all possible with the iPad restaurant menus of the future. Brought to you by Open, Inc.!

Imagine the Possibilities with Handheld Emenus

How far do you think the jaws on your guests would drop when they are seated and handed leather bound handheld emenus? What about their wow factor skyrocketing when they can read streaming news feeds, tweet or update their Facebook status, order drinks or request table service or even tender payment at the push of an onscreen button? Well the future is about to get so much saucier ladies as gents and as you can see: these emenus are pretty flashy, high-tech and fun!