Posted 10 years ago by test test

Benefits of Using an iPad POS for Your Restaurant2 min read

You need a point-of-sale system for your restaurant in order to process payments and get orders out as efficiently as possible. You can choose from simple systems that are no more than glorified adding machines to sophisticated machines that can do everything from process credit cards to automatically reorder your inventory. You can also choose from clunky machines that are stuck to one location, or you can opt for a mobile system like the iPad POS.

If you aren’t already using an iPad POS for your restaurant, you should be. Here are just a few of the benefits of using an iPad POS for your restaurant:

Provide Better Service

When your servers are slammed and you’ve got a two-hour wait, every minute counts. You can’t have servers backed up at the cash register while customers are getting impatient because they want to leave (and your customers at the door are becoming irate that they aren’t being seated).

By using the iPad POS system, your servers can quickly process payments right at the table. There won’t be a long line, and your customers won’t have to wait. You will also be able to turn tables more quickly, which will minimize your wait time.

Improve Marketing

The iPad POS system also includes features that allow you to capture customer information, such as their e-mail addresses and their purchasing history. You can use that information to enhance your marketing campaign. For example, if you see that a customer typically orders a cocktail with dinner, you can send out promotions for happy hour. If you see that a customer usually orders dessert, you can send out a coupon for a free dessert with an entrée purchase.

The data you collect can help you to create a more effective marketing campaign to increase your ROI.

Streamline Inventory Management

When you’re taking orders on a busy Friday night, you don’t want to run out of bread or your signature house wine. The iPad POS system can help you streamline your inventory management and ensure that nothing like that ever happens. The system can automatically reorder inventory when it falls below certain levels. The system can also give you insights into what is selling and what is not so you can eliminate items and cut unnecessary costs.

The iPad POS is a powerful system that offers you many benefits no matter the type of restaurant you run. Consider replacing your old system with the iPad POS.