Posted 13 years ago by test test

So Long Paper and Thanks for the Memories … Hello iPad Restaurant Menus!2 min read

The next generation is upon us all, the digital age. With the arrival of this newer, technologically profound and more sophisticated evolution does also come the parting of ways with outdated methods of the past. In this instance, paper is the obsolete medium that is slowly being phased out. E-books, e-book readers, digital displays, smart phone handsets, computers, software and so on have all but eradicated the need to use paper any longer – or for that matter harm our environment by cutting down trees to create paper. Instead, newer technology has paved the way for the future. This superlative also relates to paper restaurant menus, something that is slowly but surely changing to the new format and acumen: iPad restaurant menus.

Why Did it Take so Long for iPad Restaurant Menus?

Good things come to those who wait. The reality: iPad restaurant menus were not all that realistic from a cost perspective, say, five years ago, when the iPad tablets really started becoming more widely used. For that matter, software for iPad restaurant menus was not even yet developed. But over the past few years, accolades have been realized and achieved within this realm. The results are affordable iPad restaurant menus and software that nearly any restaurant can implement without exceeding their allocated overhead budget.

Who Benefits from iPad Restaurant Menus?

Everybody does! The business will be able to more effectively operate with iPad restaurant menus in place; servers can shift focus to providing improved services to patrons when they ditch the paper menu pads. Fewer order errors are made, and less food is returned to the kitchen or lost as a result. Additionally, with iPad restaurant menus, more guests can be served throughout the day, thus increasing revenues over time.

Can All Places Afford iPad Restaurant Menus?

Most places can afford iPad restaurant menus during the present day. Sure, some may not require them, but that does not mean that they cannot afford them. Consider this: with companies financing iPad restaurant menus for around $15 per month per tablet – with the digital menu software included – that’s not too much money per month – or annually – when all is said and done. Compared to printing costs of paper menus, the numbers work out in favor of iPad restaurant menus.

Do iPad Restaurant Menus Increase Food Sales?

They sure do. If you want the real proof on numbers – we are happy to provide that to you as well. Check out this blog about how iPad restaurant menus increase sales by astounding numbers, and rather quickly at that. Over the next few years, it’s safe to presume that the next time you head out to eat with your friends or family, it’s very likely that you may be handed an iPad restaurant menu instead of a paper menu.