Posted 13 years ago by test test

The iPad Restaurant Menu/iPad for Restaurants Streamlining Restaurant Operations, According to the Huffington Post2 min read

iPad-restaurant-menuThe iPad for restaurants is slowly making its way into the hearts of consumers and restaurant owners around the world. In the US, it’s a digital trendsetter that echoes convenience, ease of ordering, improved service and improved sales for the iPad restaurants that already have these nifty, touch screen and high-tech ordering – and inventory management – systems in place.

According to a recent article that was published by the Huffington Post, the iPad restaurant menu has “Restaurants Now Realizing That the iPad Makes Life Easier.”

For example, the article cites that Chicago Cut Steakhouse has added 40 iPad restaurant menus to the mix that feature interactive wine lists for guests, allowing them to browse and learn about the more than 750 bottles of wine that the steakhouse offers.

According to general manager, David Flom, an iPad restaurant menu wine lists increases consumer sales.

He told the AP in a recent interview, “I’ve already seen an increase of wine per customer of 20 percent.”

Popular Cafés Adding the iPad for Restaurants

At Au Bon Pain, an upscale café chain located in Boston, they’ve added iPad restaurant menus to six of their 220 locations already as test pilot to see how they may work out on the grand scale of things should they decide to make all of their locations iPad restaurants.

“One of our employees has an iPad with a menu loaded in it and they’ll take your order,” says Ed Frechette, the vice president of marketing for Au Bon Pain. “You still see a menu board with all the information on it. We have handheld laminated menus for a reference, but all the paper pads are gone.”

The best advantage of iPad restaurant menus, according to Patrick Eldon, CEO of TALK Inc., a company that specializes in online ordering systems: is connecting with your customers and gaining invaluable feedback.

“It’s about getting to know your customer in a way that you can’t get to know them from the waiter or waitress,” he said in a recent interview with the press. “You now have incredibly valuable data about customers, how often they eat, what a particular customer likes to order.”

Disclaimer: This is an independent report sourced from one or more news articles and or press releases; none of the company’s, entities or technologies digressed in this report are affiliated with or a client of Open.

Open offers a unique iPad restaurant menu solution that could work for your business. Click Here to Learn More.