Posted 10 years ago by test test

POS Solutions for Festival Vendors2 min read

Attending local festivals is a great way to reach more customers and to increase your sales. Even if you’re not ringing up more sales, you can at least create more exposure for your business, which can turn into increased sales in the future.

Whether you are the kind of vendor who only shows at festivals or you are a brick-and-mortar company that occasionally attends festivals for the marketing boosts they provide, you will need to use the right tools to be successful. Your point-of-sale system is a key consideration.

Here are a top POS solutions you should consider using as a festival vendor:

iPad POS

The iPad POS is an ideal point-of-sale system for festival vendors. It is mobile, so you don’t have to worry about lugging around and plugging in a huge, boxy piece of equipment. You can move freely about your booth, checking out customers whenever they are ready to purchase. You can eliminate lines and reduce wait times, both of which will help to increase sales. Best of all, the iPad POS gives you the freedom to accept credit cards, which can distinguish you from many other vendors who may only be able to take cash.

Smart Phone

If you can’t afford an iPad POS, you can still get some of the functionality you need from your smart phone. You’ll have to invest in a credit card reader for the phone, which plugs into the headphone jack. You’ll be able to take credit cards easily, but you may have to pay higher transaction fees, and you won’t get many of the other features that the iPad POS offers, such as inventory management or custom marketing.


Serious businesses have apps to promote their products and services. With a little innovation, you can create any number of apps that will help your customers while also promoting your business. One of the best apps for your festival attendance is one that allows customers to shop with their mobile devices. That allows them to shop even if you have a line or they are in a hurry. They can talk with you to get the information they need, then make the purchase later. With the right app and the right marketing, you can easily increase your sales.

Attending festivals is a great way to grow your business. Just make sure you have the right tools on hand to make your attendance a success.