Posted 13 years ago by test test

All-in-One iPad Menu & Point of Sale with iPad POS3 min read

The day and age of the old-school POS system is numbered. That’s because it really is a costly and outdated prescription that truly does not meet the growing demands of consumers and technology during the advanced digital era in which we live. So if traditional point of sale is vastly fading, what’s the newest innovation that is replacing it? The new kid in town is hip, hop, digitally aware and far more affordable than the old clout that used to comprise your POS – his name is iPad POS.

The iPad POS Offers Point-of-Sale Merged with iPad Menu

No longer do you have to take orders and separate them between servers and the point of sale system that they (the servers and staff) enter them (the orders) into at the back of your restaurant. That’s time consuming and pointless, and it greatly reduces staff efficiency while upping your costs. Rather, with an integrated all-in-one iPad POS solution, your POS is part of your digital iPad menu.

  • An enclosed iPad POS main terminal serves as your server’s main base of operations
  • Guests are handed an iPad menu upon being seated, robust with numerous and lavish digital features, high-resolution pictures of menu items and an integrated digital ordering system
  • Guests place orders which are sent right to the kitchen and tracked in the iPad POS system – which also tracks and manages inventory, by the way
  • Fewer food order errors are made
  • All sales and orders are more effectively tracked and managed
  • Guests request bill on the iPad menu and tender payment securely
  • Receipts can be printed or instantly emailed to the guest
  • One-button reporting resolves all of your accounting woes
  • Know what you are selling and what you are not, and make proper adjustments
  • Save tons of money on outdated POS systems and POS software and offer state-of-the-art iPad menus at the same time
  • Dramatically increase sales within 90 days

Affordable and Cost Effective POS – Cheaper than Other POS by 95%

Consider this for a moment: why are POS systems so overpriced? They are just a computer terminal, a receipt printer and the same POS software that you have been using for years upon years with nominal upgrades added. So how does this warrant a several thousand dollar price tag for each terminal and a few grand spent on each software license? It doesn’t, that’s the easy answer. Why not upgrade to an iPad POS and vastly reduce your overhead operating costs while dramatically increasing your return on investment?

The best iPad POS can actually also double as an iPad menu, which have been shown to also increase sales by as much as a whopping 30% in a mere 90 days. With iPad POS software available for low monthly prices, and the ability to effortlessly synch it to any iPad tablet and offer iPad menus, it’s silly not to get with the times and wave goodbye to your costly and outdated POS system and overpriced and feature-dull software once and for all.

Learn More About Open’s iPad POS

Read Our Blog About the iPad POS in Action