Posted 10 years ago by test test

Top Tools to Succeed at the Farmer’s Market2 min read

The local foods movement has made farmer’s markets very popular right now. If you sell organic produce and grass-fed or pasture-raised meats, you are positioned to attract even more customers and make even more sales.

While your products are your most important commodities, you’ll need more if you want to be successful. You’ll also need the right tools to market your business and make your operations more profitable. Here are a few of the top tools to help you succeed at the farmer’s market:

iPad POS

Your iPad can do a whole lot more than download apps and stream movies. It can also operate as a powerful point-of-sale system. The iPad POS is especially well suited for vendors at farmer’s markets because it provides the mobility they need. Vendors don’t need to plug in the iPad. They can make sales anywhere at the market.

Having the iPad POS will also increase sales because it gives you the option to accept credit cards, not just cash or checks.


The right apps can help any business meet its goals. Farmers can create apps that showcase what produce is in season or what they will have at the next market. They can also create apps that allow customers to order from their CSA, that share recipe ideas based on produce that’s in season, and more.

Apps that are both creative and practical will have the most success. Think of how you can provide solutions for your customers, and you will land on a great idea to promote your farm.

E-mail List

Most farmer’s markets will do their own marketing and promotion, which will benefit all their vendors. However, savvy farmers who really want to drive traffic to their booths will start an e-mail list. You can do this the old-fashioned way with a clipboard and sheet of paper, or you can use your iPad POS to generate the leads. Send out notices about when you’ll be at the market, what you’ll have, and what specials you are offering. Give list members special deals to keep them subscribed.

Farmer’s markets may seem simple and low-key, but they are a business venture, just like a brick-and-mortar store. Use these tools to increase your chances of success at the farmer’s market and beyond. You’ll soon have one of the biggest booths at the market.