Posted 10 years ago by test test

Church Functions and the iPad POS system2 min read

As a church, fundraisers and donations are essential to your success. Coming up with the right product and the right strategy are essential to meeting your goals, but so is using the right equipment. An iPad POS system can help you better manage your church functions and make them more successful. Here’s how:

Drive Sales

Most people don’t carry cash anymore. Some people will still carry a checkbook, but most don’t. Even if someone does have a checkbook, accepting a check may not be such a good idea. Even if someone doesn’t intend to write a bad check, they could miscalculate how much they have in their account, and you could be the one paying the fee when the check bounces.

You can get more sales and donations by offering your parishioners the opportunity to pay with a credit card with an iPad POS system. They can also make larger donations than they might otherwise have made.

Collect Donations

Even if you aren’t selling anything at a fundraiser, you can use an iPad POS system to collect donations. Just like with a sale, you’ll be able to get more donations and customers will have more opportunities to make larger donations. By simply offering this functionality, the iPad POS system will allow you to drive more donations to make your next fundraiser more successful.

Collect E-mails

When you make a sale or collect a donation at a church function, you also have the opportunity to collect e-mails with your iPad POS system. You can use this e-mails for community outreach or to create publicity for your next fundraiser or community event. You can set up an e-mail marketing campaign that can help you ensure the success of future programs.

Create Marketing Materials

In addition to creating an e-mail campaign, you can also use your iPad POS system to create other marketing materials. For example, you can create a coupon for free entrance to a future event or a discount code that encourages more sales at the next barbecue fundraiser. Experiment with the options to find the strategies that get the best results.
An iPad POS system can help churches meet their fundraising and membership goals. It’s an ideal system for churches since it is affordably priced and provides the mobility that is needed for community events. Consider investing in an iPad POS system for your church functions.