Posted 10 years ago by test test

How an iPad POS Costs You Less than a Regular Register2 min read

When you start putting together your new store front, you may be thinking about the types of displays you need or how much stock you should order. Yet, some of the most important aspects of running your business are in the smaller details. Choosing your point-of-sale system is one of the most important decisions you will make.

While you may think of a traditional register when you start researching your POS system options, a more modern iPad POS system would benefit your business more. Not only does it offer more features than a traditional register, but it also costs your business less. Here’s how:

Lower Purchase Price

An iPad costs significantly less than a regular register. Most traditional systems can cost upwards of $20,000. However, an iPad costs around $500 itself, and is usually just around $1,000 with the POS software and accessories. Pricing will vary depending on the provider you choose, but the iPad POS will always cost a fraction of the price of a regular register.

Better Inventory Management

Many iPad POS systems include features to help you manage your inventory. For example, you may be able to set inventory levels so that the system automatically orders new stock when the inventory falls below those levels and the system won’t order new stock until it hits a certain low. You’ll increase sales by having the stock you need on hand, and you’ll reduce loss by avoiding overstocking under-selling items.

Direct Marketing

Some iPad POS systems also include features that allow you to set up an e-mail marketing campaign. You’ll be able to save money because you won’t have to spend as much on direct mail or other advertising strategies. You can generate coupons and e-mails and send them directly to your customers, all through the same system.

A regular register offers no such features, which means you would have to invest much more to get the same information and make the same impact with your marketing.

Your POS system may seem like a routine detail, but the choice you make can actually have a big impact on the success of your business. Save money and get more for your investment by purchasing an iPad POS system. It will help you grow your business but won’t cost you as much to make an impact with your customers.