Posted 10 years ago by test test

Book Sales and Tracking Best Sellers with the iPad POS2 min read

As a book seller, you need to stay on top of what’s selling well and what isn’t. Books take up a lot of room, and profit margins are small. If stock isn’t moving, you’ll be taking up shelf space and losing money. It’s important to understand which of your titles are selling the best so you can keep your inventory levels where they need to be for maximum profitability.

An iPad point-of-sale system can help you do just that. Here are a few ways that an iPad POS system can help your book store stay successful:

Track Sales

You don’t need the New York Times to tell you what the best sellers are across the country. Your iPad POS system can tell you what the best sellers are in your own store. Not only can it track your sales, but it can also generate reports showing you what your top selling items are. You’ll be able to quickly look over the reports and find out what your customers are buying the most and what they aren’t buying at all.

Manage Inventory

Your iPad POS system will also tell you where your inventory levels stand. You can quickly find out how much of your top sellers you have left and can determine when you need to order again so you won’t run out of stock. You can even set rules so that the system automatically orders new inventory when stock falls below a certain level.

Individual Sales

Some iPad POS systems also let you track sales for each customer. You can gain insights into what customers are driving your sales, and you can then generate special promotions just for those customers. For example, you can provide a special coupon or discount code and e-mail it to those customers. The promotion can be tailored to the books they like, or it can be created to promote certain titles for the store.

An iPad POS system can do a lot more than just help you process credit card payments. With the right system, you can track your sales to determine your best sellers so that you can better manage your inventory and maximize your profitability. This simple tool can help you secure the long-term success of your book store when used properly. Consider investing in an iPad POS system for your bookstore.