Posted 10 years ago by test test

Making the Switch from Your Old Register to a POS, is it Really that Easy?2 min read

We live in a truly remarkable age, once the products of science fiction, technology that now exists as science facts fill our homes, businesses and pockets and help make every day a little bit more convenient. People are upgrading their old phones to smart phones, their palm pilots to tablets, their computers to laptops so thin and efficient it was once thought impossible, but why stop there? There are even more upgrades a person can make to their home and business to streamline their take and make their lives easier. If you are a business own chances are that you have wondered about POS, maybe you have even considered switching out your cash register and using a POS. It is a decision that might seem like the quite the commitment on your part, but it is simpler than you think. The idea of replacing your cash register is programmed in most business owners heads as a bad thing, but when you look at the benefits of using POS, you more than likely will want to make the change.

But is it easy? Short answer, yes it is. Switching from a register to a POS system is actually one of the easiest transitions to make and the benefits are so obvious that you as a business owner should seriously consider it. Most everyone and their brother owns a tablet these days or even a smart phone, so removing your register and getting a POS installed on your device is so easy that all you need is the POS, you can install it on whatever tech you have, as few or as many devices as you want and then you are register free and ready to roll. So yes it really is that easy. Most all POS systems will come with detailed instructions as to how you set it up, link your business account and accept credit and debit cards with just a swipe and a few button presses. Once you have got your hands on this system and linked it to your devices you are ready for whatever your costumer might want to pay with. “But what about cash?” You might ask. Well you have a few options there, you can go cashless, which may sound like a death sentence but more and more people these days are shopping with plastic so it may be a smarter move than you think. Overall now is the best time to upgrade to POS as it has never been easier.