Posted 10 years ago by test test

POS Tablets v. Traditional Tablets2 min read

Tablets are everywhere these days, it seems like everyone and their brother owns at least one, not to mention that they probably have it synched with their phone, computer, house, microwave etc. The digital age has brought us the technology of science fiction without us even realizing it. Tablets have so many benefits, not just personally but professionally as well. They can be used to organize and manage aspects of your business in a more timely and efficient manner than you would without one. But you can push your tablet one step beyond by installing a point of sale system on it. A tablet with a point of sale system will still perform all the functions of a tablet without one, as well as a myriad of new and helpful functions that you will wonder how your business ever survived without.

  • A Good Memory: A point of sale system, when installed on your tablet can keep track on the finer aspects of your business so you don’t have to. No longer do you have to juggle time sheets, inventory statements and bills. A POS manages employee work schedules, your own inventory, what you have, what you need, and above all your finances, helping you balance your budgets and manage your business at peak efficiency.
  • A Fine Replacement: If you run a business that still uses a cash register, and you already own a tablet, you have no excuse not to upgrade to a point of sale system right now. You can eliminate your stressful credit card dealings, horrible cash micromanagements and the agonizing making of change for a simple swipe and go approach that more and more businesses are adopting each day.
  • Synchronize: Chances are your tablet is already bouncing information to your phone, your computer, your toaster, whatever it may be. So installing a point of sale system to help manage your business is the logical next step. Your POS will synch all the necessary information mentioned above on all your connected devices, making it easy for you to access what you need whenever you need it. So if you are a business owner, having a tablet without POS is akin to having a car without wheels. You just aren’t making the most of things. If you make the change, almost instantly you will see the added simplicity and convenience that POS brings both your business and personal life.