Posted 10 years ago by test test

Which Tablets Work For Your POS System?2 min read

So you have decided to invest in a point of sale system. Congratulations you are on your way to streamlining your business in ways you never thought possible. You will be able to speed up payments, keep track of finances more easily and simply your inventory management. You will also be able to synchronize your devices with your point of sale system and keep your business connected at all times, helping you keep things run smoothly and efficiently at all times. But you still have a few more steps to go. A point of sale system needs tablets right? Right, you are going to need a tablet for your point of sale system to function at its peak. But there are so many tablets on the market, what is the tablet that works best for you? Well there are several good choices on the market and this list will explain a couple of the best to you.

  • iPad: The best tablet to invest in by far is the Apple iPad, the most popular piece of tech on the market and compatible with the most amount of point of sale systems on the market, including having many designed especially for it. Apple is known for their simple design and easy to use interface and that is a huge factor when using a POS, you want things to be as streamlined as can be.
  • Microsoft Surface: Microsoft isn’t always known for their integration with other pieces of software but the Surface’s ability to switch from a laptop into a tablet in an instant is an amazingly useful and convenient feature particularly for those in a more mobile profession, or those who don’t feel the need to invest in both a laptop and a tablet.
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab: The all around good tablet, from the all around good tech manufacturer Samsung. Samsung is often the happy medium between Apple and Microsoft and that is certainly the case for you, if you want something a little bit more complicated than an iPad but a little more streamlined than a Surface, then the Tab is your best bet. It is a high quality product that can integrate with a fair number of POS systems allowing you to stay on top of whatever your business needs may be.

Overall the iPad is probably the best choice, but the other two are both expectable as well. You want to chose the system that suits your needs, and is compatible with your POS.