Posted 10 years ago by test test

Using POS at Concession Stands2 min read

If you have ever worked at one, chances are that you know concession stands are one of the most high-tension service jobs that exist today. No matter where it is you are working, you are expected to deliver, fast, efficient service, instantly, to a great many people. Which is a very high stress position to be in. Everyone wants their concessions as soon as possible and will get angry the second a line gets held up or a machine breaks down, anything that keeps them from their food. Which is why it is your job to ensure that doesn’t happen. But there is only so much you can do, right? Well if you own a business that has concession stands, but it a theatre, a stadium, what have you, there is a big change you can make to your concession stands in order to speed up lines and cut down on angry customers. Investing in an iPad point of sale system for your concession stand is your ticket to smooth operations around the board, POS can help your concession stands run smoothly at little extra cost to you and here’s how.

  • Faster Payment: One large popcorn! Swipe the card on your tablet and just like that you are done. It’s that simple. No longer do your employees need to fumble with card numbers and make every customer use a pen and paper to sign their name on their receipt, (a pen that has an unusually high mortality rate mind you) Instead, with just a few swipes and few smiles, your customers can be on their way none the worse for ware, everybody’s happy.
  • Easier Transactions: Using a POS simplifies payment, not just for the customer but for the twenty or more customers that may be waiting in line, eager to make their purchases as well. How many times has someone held up an entire line trying to pay in coins, well POS eliminates the need for fumbling with the register, no longer will you have customers trying to pay with pennies infuriating you and the other customers alike making customers
  • Connectivity: And just like that, all the purchases made at all concession stores on the point of sale system are integrated, so you have complete access to financial information, storage/supplies and more. There has never been an easier way to make sure you and your employees are synchronized for maximum efficiency.