Posted 10 years ago by test test

Point of Sale and Working from Home2 min read

Sites like Etsy and eBay have made it easy for anyone to start their own business or to work from home. It has also become very easy and inexpensive to create your own website to start selling services or products.

If you start working online from home and your business starts to take off, you may start thinking about expanding offline. That might include attending trade shows, arts and crafts festivals, niche fairs, or other community events. You may also consider creating a home office in which to accept local clients. Your one hang up may be that you don’t have a way to accept payments other than cash, which can be very limiting in terms of sales potential.

Fortunately, you have options that don’t include spending thousands of dollars on a traditional point-of-sale system and a credit card vendor contract. The iPad POS is perfect for those who work from home and need a POS system. Here’s why:

Mobile Accessibility

When you work from home, you’ll be meeting your customers in a variety of places, whether in their homes or businesses or elsewhere in the community. You won’t be able to lug around a big, boxy cash register.

With the iPad POS, you can get all the functionality of a traditional POS, but you can also carry it anywhere you need to go. The system weighs little more than a pound, and you can easily hold it in your hands while you check out a customer at a festival or use it from your mobile office.

Secure Payment Processing

As an entrepreneur, you likely don’t have the cash flow to lose a significant portion of your sales to credit card processing fees. Yet you don’t want to lose sales by not being able to accept credit cards. You can solve both problems with the iPad POS.

With the system, you can easily accept credit cards but you only pay a minor fee. You’ll give your customers the confidence to pay by credit card, increasing your sales.

Low Investment

An iPad POS system can be purchased for as little as $1,000. That’s a phenomenal price for a system that will make such a huge impact on your business and help you increase your sales. Compared to the cost of traditional systems, that’s practically a steal.

With an iPad POS, you can make your work-from-home business or career just as successful as any work you’ve had in the past. It’s a simple tool, but it has powerful potential.