Posted 10 years ago by test test

Using a POS at Art Shows2 min read

The stereotype of the starving artist came to life for a reason: A lot of artists don’t make a lot of money. However, you don’t have to let that stereotype come true for you. If you have the right tools and use the right selling strategies, you can sell a good deal of your art, even if you haven’t made a big name for yourself yet.

Attending art shows can help you get more exposure for your art, and using the right POS system can help you get more sales. An iPad POS system is especially well suited for art shows. Here are just a few of the ways it can help you get more sales and more exposure for your art:

Process Credit Cards

Original artwork does not sell cheap, and most people don’t have that much cash on them when they are shopping. They could return with a check or a cashier’s check, but it’s more likely that they will decide it’s not worth the effort or will forget about it entirely.

By using an iPad POS system, you will give customers the ability to securely pay by credit card. You will also be able to do so without paying excessive credit card feeds. You’ll generate more sales, and you’ll pocket more of the cash from each transaction.

Track Sales

The iPad POS system gives you a central place to track all sales of your art. You’ll be able to generate reports to understand what kind of art sells best, whether that means painting versus sculpture or a particular style of art over another. You can use that information to create more of the same types of art. You don’t have to limit your creativity to what sells, but you can create more of your best-selling pieces to help you when you need to increase your cash flow.

Nurture Customer Leads

Even if someone doesn’t buy a piece of your art after they visit your booth, you can still nurture a relationship that could turn into future sales. Your iPad POS system can collect emails and other information that you can use to set up an email marketing campaign or other marketing materials.

You don’t have to be a starving artist. Use an iPad POS system at your art shows, and you can increase your sales and get more exposure for your work.