Posted 10 years ago by test test

Using a POS at Conventions2 min read

Attending conventions is an excellent way to get more exposure for your business and to boost sales. Even when an encounter doesn’t turn into an immediate sale, it can form the basis for a long and prosperous relationship with a future customer.

It is important that you have the right tools to make your convention a success. The iPad POS system is a must-have for conventions, no matter what type of business you own or what size.

Here are a few ways that an iPad POS system can help you at conventions:

Provide More Payment Options

Not very many people carry cash anymore, and those who do only carry small amounts. You may do OK if you sell products with a small price point. However, if you sell bigger-ticket items, you may find the well running dry during the convention.

By using an iPad POS system, you can provide customers more options for making payment, which can increase your sales. In particular, offering customers a secure way to make a credit card payment can give them the confidence and the ability to buy, which can have a huge impact on your sales.

Improve Customer Service

Conventions can get pretty crowded, making it difficult to serve customers quickly or efficiently. Lines can form quickly, and it can become quite chaotic.

When you use an iPad POS system, you gain the ability to move amongst the crowd effortlessly. You can check customers out wherever they are, whether in your booth or in the aisle. You’ll process them more quickly, increasing their satisfaction and making your booth more inviting by clearing out the crowds.

Collect Leads

Your iPad POS system offers many opportunities to collect customer information, whether during a sale or not. You can use data such as e-mails or phone numbers to create a marketing campaign later, helping you to nurture those leads and turn them into loyal customers. You can assign a person to stand at your booth collecting names and e-mails, or you can create a script for asking for the information during the sale (or both).

Make sure you take advantage of every opportunity that a convention presents. Use an iPad POS system to increase your sales and nurture your leads, helping you to secure your short- and long-term success. You’ll help your company grow and start to meet your goals.