Posted 10 years ago by test test

POS and Franchises, Why it Makes More Sense2 min read

When it comes to successful management of franchised operations, there is nothing more critical than the importance of maintaining uniformity in all sectors. There needs to be an established system that has been proven, along with a centralized “mind” which becomes the hub for all changes, upgrades, marketing, customer incentives and protocol. With a standardized manner by which all the franchised units operate, many negative factors are thereby eliminated. By following an established protocol that customers can come to expect and appreciate, less time will be spent addressing a myriad of issues resulting from differences in areas like ambiance, food or product presentation and more.

Removing Guesswork

By making the move to POS technology, the franchisor saves franchisees significant time as the franchisees won’t have to key in many dimensions of product and services information. Much of the data that franchisees need will be a part of the franchise package, and until the franchisor decides to make changes, will remain irrefutable as a point of absolute reference. No more having to re-key in product information, and all data will remain consistent within the network of franchises, without respect to the type of system that franchisees have.

Information Depository

POS technology will allow franchisors to collect information on elements such as sales and inventory from the individual franchises with built-in FTP polling. All franchises will have the benefit of backup storage through the centralized hub, or franchisor.

Advanced Customizing

The exact level and volume of information that is shared between the franchisor and franchisee can be set by either or both parties. POS technology provides clear cut ways to perform analysis of many areas. This can apply to individual franchises or the entire network of franchised operations. Information can be obtained instantly by all franchises and as need dictates, by staff members.

Marketing campaigns, customer loyalty programs and other store incentives can be effectively managed by the creation of uniform credit or debit cards that bear the company’s name and logo, to which customer identification numbers are added for processing. No other type of checkout technology is capable of uniformly linking franchised businesses together in a stable, dependable framework as POS functionality provides.

In Maintaining Uniformity

It is the most effective and efficient means of sharing information, tracking inventory, managing payroll, rewarding customers and preventing loss. And all such tasks are performed within a preset protocol, reducing the possibility of errors and individual store forays. Deviations from franchised mandates will eventually result in a degradation of overall customer appeal. The POS system software that every franchise receives provides them with accurate recording and retrieval process for practically everything. Management in all areas becomes easier, smoother.