Posted 10 years ago by test test

NextGen POS3 min read

It may not have been known in the public sector as POS, however POS technology has been in operation and wide use for quite some time now. The most valuable advancement to POS technology has been the introduction of customer data collection and storage and different ways in which it can be effectively used to further business success. Adding to technology – in 2007, the iPhone and iOS burst onto the market, but at that time Apple didn’t provide support for 3rd party developers. Since that time, Apple provides excellent developer support and the app store now has over 1.2 million apps, with 75 billion downloads. The same type of capability breakthrough is presently occurring with POS advancements. Now point of sale platforms are sleek and streamlined – can be mobile – and they are doing away with antiquated chunky cash registers of yesterday. In many ways, POS evolution has done more to streamline the hospitality industry than any other area of retail.

Upfront Pros and Cons

There is nothing new about ordering and paying for a meal at the table, however new functionality like increased service speed and more diners served from turning tables faster are tremendous benefits that revolutionize POS capabilities. Customers appreciate that their credit cards never leave the table. Still, many restaurateurs have worried that the general public would perceive such technology as a move away from personalized service, and so, were initially reluctant to use it. There were other concerns, as well, such as concerns regarding the expense of enterprise solutions, more or less restricting much of POS adoption to boutiques and smaller independent enterprises. At long last, that’s all changing.

A Breakthrough That Opens the Door for More Possibilities

This year’s numbers significantly indicate that an unprecedented percent of restaurant operators (and also suppliers, as well) are turning their focus to the benefits of incorporating mobile POS functionalities, and are hungry for having it all – from mobile payment systems to tablet ordering and all the areas of kitchen and food management. While tablet devices are currently the standard form of providing tableside ordering, a substantial number of restaurants are looking at other solutions beyond tablets, that should be available through 2015.

Why POS is Prevailing and Growing in Public Approval

The reasons for the highly positive POS reception we are seeing are many, however a major contributor is due to the fact that the younger members of the adult population are becoming the most likely and largest number of business patrons. This particular sector of consumers do not have even the slightest objection to moving right along as technology replaces different aspects of commerce. This is in contrast to their older shopping and dining counterparts, whose approval is reluctant, at best. POS restaurant technology gives the control to the guests, who are wanting to have more control in every aspect of their lives, and their credit cards never leave their sight, which they appreciate. Still, just about everyone continues to desire the uninterrupted availability of attention and service from a waiter or waitress, with fast response time. The ultimate goal is to make POS technology a service enhancement, but not a replacement.