Posted 10 years ago by test test

Five of the Most Popular POS Features3 min read

Of all the duties involved in retail and foodservice management, the challenge of just how to position the business for success is the most important. It all begins with a solid set of philosophies, combined with proven methods. And as is true in every area of successful operation, it boils down to the tools available for management to use, and their level of precision. In addition to a myriad of other benefits, the right POS system and software will enable the manager of any retail or foodservice business to achieve smooth, reliable control. Here are five highly popular POS features that are streamlining the way much business is transacted today.

Software That Trains Employees

Whether it’s training new employees (an historically long and tedious process,) on all the details of their job, or instructing existing employees on changes in policy, modes of operation and other aspects, POS software is available that will detail jobs and procedures quickly and effectively, and then exist as a point of reference for everyone, when needed. This software also frees up other employees to attend to customers, rather than pulling them away to train others. This also produces a confident employee who knows his or her job, and will radiate that to appreciative customers.

More Efficient Messaging Systems

In businesses like restaurants and retail environments where everyone relies heavily on printed material for product promotion, the fast capacity to relay messages and changes is made possible by POS technology. Signs, updates and changes are shared quickly and effectively. Restaurants can manage the information displayed for guests on menu boards without having to trek outside to physically change details. Instead, they can make those changes either automatically or by typing them in, from any location. This saves time and eliminates error. Previous software deployments used to take up to as much as a month, but POS software deployment can be accomplished in a few days and sometimes even a few hours, based on its volume. Specials can be instantly communicated to patrons, without any wait for print material. Digital menu boards that combine info with video tend to attract the positive attention from customers. Sales are generally increased, and management time is better used.

Reduce and Eliminate Employee Theft

Most theft sadly occurs because of employees, and a shocking majority of people who anonymously responded to surveys indicated that they had, at one time or another, stolen from their place of employment. In restaurants alone, employee theft is estimated to represent around 75% of inventory shortages. American businesses lose more than $50 billion annually, and this is all from employee-initiated theft or behavior. If not dealt with effectively, such loss can wind up forcing a business to close its doors, permanently. POS technology can track inventory, services provided and daily/shift revenues, making it easier to pinpoint causes of concern. Cameras can produce video that when paired with register data, can offer clear details of transactions. There is POS software that will minimize voids, and match discounts, voids and other irregular transactions to the responsible employee. Biometrics are also being implemented which require an employee to scan their fingerprint to be granted access to perform certain tasks, thereby tracking questionable operations.

Lower Operating Costs

There are numerous ways in which POS technology can save a business money. Much of the capabilities of POS technology remove the time consuming and tedious requirement for employee-entered transaction data. This means no more long wait times at the register, with customers lost because of lack of patience and time. POS inventory systems track details of each sale that provide better insight into how to proceed. Payment info is scanned into the system, eliminating the potential for manual entry error.

Creating Happy Customers

Happy customers are repeat customers, and the intuitive programming of POS technology allows for positive ways in which customer attention can be directed, in order for them to not spend time feeling like they are waiting for any element of service. The customer’s wait time is greatly reduced, thanks to POS technology, and it allows the customer to have a greater degree of control over their entire shopping or dining experience, from start to finish.