Posted 10 years ago by test test

How POS is Enabling an Advanced Degree of “Personal” to the Dining Experience2 min read

It is the dream of most people who enjoy dining out in restaurants to be able to be recognized and greeted at the same time by the host or maitre d’ of the establishment, just as soon as they arrive. Taking that ideology further, imagine the host who recognized you subsequently directing you to your favorite table, and after being seated, your server arrives at your table with your “usual” before dinner cocktails and your favorite appetizers, asking you to let him or her know when you want your main course to be served. Your favorite entrees, your favorite wines, your favorite after dinner coffee, your favorite desserts along with every single little detail of precisely how you like your pasta cooked to that special hot sauce that the chef makes for only a select few Details your server knowing that you prefer to have your dressing in a separate container, off to the side of your salad. Knowing that you like extra butter for your rolls, knowing that you prefer that the vegetables accompanying your entree be served on a separate plate and more.

Creating an Individualized Experience for Everyone, One Diner at a Time

All of these little details are what can make or break the ideal dining experience, and this is what POS technology is all about taking the guesswork out of all your transactions as a consumer or a business owner and creating a world in which it seems like everything was designed and orchestrated in accordance with your own highly individualized priorities. POS technology offers the most significant boon to the restaurant industry, as a leading player within the hospitality industry.

POS for More Fluid Living

Everyone appreciates when a merchant or staff member at an establishment where they shop acknowledges them, and this is one of the greatests benefits of POS technology. A business operating with the benefit of a POS system can eliminate a considerable volume of Q&A, because all of that information is safely and securely stored on a handheld unit that is carried by the clerk or server. Business or intimate dinner conversations can proceed without a bunch of interruptions from an inquiring server, as they can find answers to most of their questions on their device. And it is a real pride builder to take friends or clients to your favorite eatery, where they greet you and serve you with such individualized attention.