Posted 10 years ago by test test

Don’t be Intimidated by POS2 min read

Are you one of those people who always has the very latest technology, and not only does multifunctional operation come easy for you, but you pretty much already have it all figured out before you buy any new device or app? If this sounds like you, it’s OK if you choose to skip reading at this point. You probably already know everything that will be shared here. If, on the other hand, you are like the rest of us, read on. You probably stay committed to doing your best to keep current on technology, to your credit. What you may have discovered early on is that it is virtually impossible to live some semblance of a normal existence while vigilantly mastering a huge variety of high tech protocols that are always changing and being tweaked. Essentially, what anyone needs to learn about are only those dimensions that will in one way or another influence him or her, or be required to know in order to accomplish any task or responsibility the present and future may require.Everything else is just icing on the cake or good knowledge for up to date conversations with tech nerds at cocktail parties.

Sure, Everyone Experiences Nail-biting at One Time or Another

Most people (though not all will readily own up to it) tend to experience a little bit of “technology anxiety” with the advent of each new gadget, app or device. And that anxiety is usually multiplied when these same people find themselves in a situation where they need to learn how to use it. It is only by breaking the operational process down into small “bite sized” chunks that the whole can ever be easily digested. It is important to never lose sight of this, as we are now living in an era where technology is in an ever changing state, and the only way this could possibly change would be if somebody were to pull the plug. And this would only be a temporary hiatus, as it would not be long before everything would be back up and running with direct solar, wind or water power. So, while it’s healthy to recognize that we all can at times feel overwhelmed and under equipped, we can not let this defeat us. We must hold our places in the mainstream to the best of our abilities, and continue to float on our backs as much as possible, rather than switching to the butterfly stroke in desperation.