Posted 9 years ago by test test

Are You Effectively Utilizing Individual Customer Data in Marketing?2 min read

Data is the most powerful tool offered by new technology, especially when it comes to marketing. If you aren’t using data in your marketing, you’re losing out. The right use of data can increase sales, boost operational efficiency, and give you a competitive edge.

How Individual Customer Data Can Improve Marketing

Many businesses are scared to use analytics and customer data in their marketing. While it can seem complicated and a bit intimidating, it doesn’t have to be. In fact, the right use of individual customer information can greatly improve sales and customer satisfaction.

While many people think of websites when they think of tracking customer information, analytics can extend to every type of software. Retail stores are just beginning to realize the advantages of using this customer data in their marketing. POS systems, for instance, can do more than just track purchases. The latest POS software, mobile-based ordering systems, give businesses the ability to perform in-store market tests.

Online, websites will often “split test” various website designs or marketing campaigns. That is, they will deliver two or more versions of a campaign to a customer. Changes in photos, calls-to-action, and design elements can all have big impacts on the rates of sales.

Brick-and-mortar businesses that use the right type of mobile POS system, such as a digital restaurant menu, can perform similar market tests. A restaurant may test new items, different photographs, different price points, or even a new logo. All of these can impact sales and customer perceptions.

This data can give businesses insight into their customers. The right data, then, will only help to inform marketing campaigns and improve sales numbers.

To learn more about your customers and integrate their data into your marketing campaign, you’ll need to ensure that you have the right software in place. Retail outlets will need to find a modern POS system, such as a cloud-based mobile system, that can process transactions, integrate with other business functions, and offer advanced reporting capabilities.

With the right software, a company can effortlessly track customer purchases. And with digital menus and other self-ordering interfaces, retail businesses can follow in the footsteps of web analytics, by testing design variations. These marketing tests will help businesses personalize their marketing campaigns, their branding, and their products. And, as a result, sales will only go up.