Posted 9 years ago by test test

The Power of Images to Boost Orders3 min read

The saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words” has been in use for centuries, and there’s a reason why it’s never lost its popularity: it’s as true as anything ever could be. Pictures communicate on so many authentic levels that are deeply personal to the viewer, and beyond any other form of expression. Pictures can instantly tantalize or repel. And pictorial representation of your full array of menu items is one of the most powerful selling tools you could ever employ. The art of finely representing your wares via individually accessible customer iPads is your opportunity to reach your customers at an emotional level that is non-threatening to them, leaving them feeling safer to indulge their cravings in peace and without judgement.

Pictorial Images do the Selling for You

From a restaurant’s point of view, photo representation can help you to move specific dishes that you hope to sell quickly, translating into less unsold products and more use and less loss of ingredients. In the case of a restaurateur, specific placement of certain perishables can help you to sell more inventory without loss from spoilage. Actually, the photos you provide via your customer POS represent the best way to sell anything – because you are really letting them sell themselves. An image does the heavy lifting, while the copy is still there, yet often overlooked. Great pictures make for needing little if any words.

Fuller Immersion is Better

There is a place where photographs are able to connect with viewers on a deep emotional level. The information they convey is mostly instantaneous, and “getting” them is easier than reading text. They also contribute valuable content to the printed information that can pull in the reader and elicit a myriad of responses as intended by the layout. When you have engaged your customer with photos, you’re in an excellent position to make suggestions of complementary side dishes or beverages that go hand in hand nicely with the main course and when possible, offering photos of the two items in use together.

Showcase Specialties of the House

If you offer any unique or unusual dishes or menu items, you could describe them with words all day long and not ever be sure that you got your point across. With a well taken photograph, the customer can see how they can expect it to arrive at their table, perceive it as a comfort and be enticed. Otherwise, consumers tend to stick to their preconceived notions about how things will look and taste. With a photo, you show them the distinction in a flattering light, and in gaining interest, prompt buys, often leading to being spread further by word of mouth as a result of happily impressed customers.

Make Piercing Connections

There’s one thing people in advertizing understand, and it’s that no matter what style of life they’re living, whether it be farm and country living, suburban style or urban life, everyone is striving to live a lifestyle that they perceive as perfect. This is why it’s critical that the photographic representation of your restaurant, offerings and amenities depicts an immersion that connects with the values of the target clientele. It’s like you are selling a needed component to complete a particular ideal lifestyle. Sometimes images are included that subliminally evoke strong feelings of yearning or compassion, depending on the best associations as they apply to the exact item.