Posted 9 years ago by Jane Sea

How an Open Display System Enables Kitchen Staff to Expedite Food to the Table3 min read

From the minute your customers enter your restaurant until the point at which they depart, there’s a finely tuned network operation that takes place between the host, the servers, the bartenders and the kitchen. When properly balanced, it makes for an unsurpassed dining experience for the customer, who does not ever need to know the details, and should not even think about the way it must all come together at the right time – and for all those dining at staggered times to keep the restaurant in business.

Something About Today’s Diners

Customers do not like waiting for anything these days, and most expect prompt service from every form of restaurant experience. They want to be seated immediately, have their drink orders taken immediately, and then place their food orders immediately. They will allow for a little time for their food to be prepared, and then they are ready to eat. If they are finishing with dessert, they want it timed impeccably following their last bite of the main course. They want their check right away, and then they expect to pay without hesitation, so they can leave and be on to their next rush job.

What it Takes to Compete

In most cases, speed of service can have a most significant correlation with the sales the restaurant generates. When each dining experience receives prompt service, it means that each transaction is completed more quickly, which equates the ability to process a greater volume of customers. Now, obviously, the food has to be appetizing, but with Open, you are equipped with a strong ally in delivering the level of service to be proud of, and with the customers never feeling like they are having to occupy their time while waiting for any particular component of their meal.

How Self-Ordering Improves Service

When customers have tabletop POS system capabilities for ordering, entertainment and payment options, this doesn’t mean that they receive any less personal attention from their servers. In fact, statistics show how POS implementation allows servers to more fully cater to the needs of their customers as a result. You’re cutting out the time for the server to get to the table, announce specials, answer questions like naming all the choices for salad dressings or beverages – describing different cocktails and more. All of these can be handled by the customers, who have detailed descriptions – and can even have nutritional info and food facts, leaving the server with an abundance of time to make sure everyone is happy. The orders are received immediately by the kitchen, where they are prepared promptly. Because the servers are not preoccupied in lengthy dialogues with other tables, they are able to expedite meals to tables right away, making for truly satisfied clientele.

Exceed Server Capabilities With POS

The tabletop iPad allows for orders to arrive in the kitchen in the exact order in which they were placed, and this applies not only to entrees, but to appetizers, side dishes and desserts. On any “all you can eat” specials, reordering is a snap, with no waiting for a server to appear. POS systems are not able to become distracted or overburdened with too many requests all at once. They can handle your restaurant’s full capacity and then some, and they won’t confuse a thing. Time saved means quicker food to table.