Posted 13 years ago by test test

Top 10 Reasons to Upgrade Your Restaurant to the Digital Age2 min read


Much as we know it, with relation to technology, has greatly changed over the past 10 years alone. Remember those futuristic movies in the early 90s that depicted people using thin tablet computers that didn’t yet exist; think ‘Star Trek’ here.

Well now that age has dawned upon us, and with it does also come the next step for restaurants: digital menus.

You’ve already seen digital menu boards, such as those that you will find at fast food joints and take out restaurants. Digital menus are something new, fresh and innovative.

For all extents and purposes, paper menus are more outdate than printed newspapers (which have, by the way, all mostly gone online as paper sales are way down).

Similarly, paper books are being slowly phased out, too. Now with digital readers, like the popular Amazon Kindle, you can enjoy digital books and not have to wonder how many trees were slaughtered to make them.

So why are restaurants still using paper menus? Why are they paying to have three or four different menus, all that need to be updated annually, or every time they change a menu item or price, as they are static?

Because the future of digital menus and digital menu software never had been procured until just recently. In fact, Open digital menus are the newest fad and are also the wave of the future.

And the future is now.

To better help you understand the limitless benefits of digital menus, what follows are the top ten reasons why your restaurant would benefit from adding Open digital menus.

  1. Digital menus allow for guests to better visualize menu items.
  2. They reduce staff costs and they vastly boost customer awareness, loyalty and retention.
  3. They can entertain guests by providing them with news feeds or even with games for the kids.
  4. They incorporate social media sharing via enabled Twitter and Facebook onboard applications.
  5. Open digital menus work in tandem with any existing POS system.
  6. Customers are attracted to the modernization of digital menus, as opposed to paper menus.
  7. Our unique 5 star rating system enables instant knowledge of what customers like or dislike about your menu items or establishment.
  8. Digital menus offer a modern and interactive way to order food and receive personalized and interactive service.
  9. Digital menus can be electronically updated throughout the day, rather effortlessly and within minutes to change different menu selections – such as breakfast, lunch, dinner or happy hour – or to feature particular dishes and specials.
  10. Open’s digital menu services are entirely FREE to use.