Posted 13 years ago by test test Reports that iPhone Menu Apps Are Increasing Consumer Leverage for Wineries2 min read

iPhone menu appsAccording to a recent report that was published by – wineries are not leveraging their exposure to consumers via iPhone menu apps.

According to a news report that was published by in late June, “More than 450 wine-related applications are now available on the iPhone and other mobile devices — more than six times the number that existed only 18 months ago, according to a recent survey.”

That’s a whole lot of iPhone menu apps that are out there just for wineries. And yet, we still see so few that are offering digital menu iPads for consumers, when there are hundreds upon hundreds of iPhone menu apps that allow people to compare products, notes, flavor, pairing suggestions and learn about particular vintages and their history, etc.

Restaurants that have added digital menu iPads with wine lists have reported an astounding increase in wine sales to the tune of around 20% overall.

According to the article, in the year 2010, on Twitter and Facebook alone there more than 14 million different discussions (status updates, tweets, retweets and so on) talking about nifty iPhone menu apps for wine.

According to Paul Mabray, chief strategy officer for VinTank, iPhone menu apps are the next step for wineries during the digital age. In an interview with he said, “As an industry, we can no longer ignore [is] digital. We now live in a Google economy.”

John Jordan, CEO of Jordan Vineyard & Winery in Healdsburg, told that wineries need to evolve with the rest of businesses in the digital age. This includes adding social media awareness, press and digital features to their offerings

“It’s a constantly evolving, messy thing,” said Jordan.  “But technology makes it possible for a company to really become customer centric.”

Disclaimer: This is an independent report sourced from one or more news articles and or press releases; none of the company’s, entities or technologies digressed in this report are affiliated with or a client of Open.

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