Posted 13 years ago by test test

Are Electronic Menus the Digital Answer?2 min read

Could electronic menus be the answer to the advent of the digital age for restaurants worldwide? Explore the facets of this question in this blog.

More and more we are seeing electronic menus being implemented into restaurants and hotels around the world. According to numerous recent news reports, they actually have been increasing business and sales, and they are being shown by leading analysts to have a positive impact on customer retention and loyalty, as well as contributing to improved service and better inventory management. When you consider that the digital age has been upon us for nearly a decade now, it’s hard to imagine why or how more restaurants are not using an electronic menu. The popularity of them has skyrocketed, and it would be asinine to presume that in the years to come that these innovative menus don’t become the new standard.

Costs of Electronic Menus versus Paper

When comparing costs – the main aspect of doing business – electronic menus actually make sense. Factor printing costs annually for menus, and keep in mind that most restaurants have several meal sections; i.e. breakfast, lunch, dinner, happy hour, etc. The cost of reprinting these menus every year can add up to big time dollars. Most businesses can actually pay for the cost of adding electronic menus within the first one to two years.

Increased Consumer Awareness

Consumers love technology. When fast food joints added digital menu boards, their sales drastically increased. Can you imagine how sales would climb when each patron has their own electronic menu in hand to browse menu items and order food, or pay at their table? Imagine how many friends they would tell in person, or via social media channels.

Better Food Presentation

Pictures are frowned upon on most menus, except at cafes. But what about if they are high resolution shots of amazing gourmet eats? Customers love seeing the mouth watering entrées before they order them.

Improved Customer Service

Servers and staff can more focus on customers, and not the order pad. They can also serve more tables when electronic menus are in place. Additionally, customers can tender payment via the menus and can even press a button to summon a waiter. How’s that for a boost in service?

Easier to Update & Maintain

Lastly, electronic menus are easy to maintain. Most electronic menu software is made for the average person, and is very easy to use and update. In mere minutes, at the press of a button, your menu can change from breakfast to lunch. No more changing out menus. No more reprinting menus. As you can see, electronic menus do make a lot of tasty sense