Posted 13 years ago by test test

Award-Winning Professor Lauds iPad POS Systems at Stacked3 min read

When Terri Griffith talks about technology and innovation, like the iPad POS Systems, in the workplace, people listen. A Professor of Management at the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University, Griffith teaches MBA courses in Organizational Analysis and Design, Technology and Innovation Management, and Managing Innovation and Change to working professionals in Silicon Valley. Her CV is 15 pages long; in the past decade alone, she has received 11 separate awards. Her blog, “Technology and Organizations” is on a number of Top lists and her new book, The Plugged-In Manager, is due out next month.

But when Professor Griffith, visited Stacked: food well built in Torrance, California, last Friday, she was not there in as a professor, researcher, or consultant; she was not there as an expert, advisor, or author; in fact, she was not there in any professional capacity. She and her brother, Michael (Associate Director of BioCommunications at the Arizona Health Sciences Center), came to join their mom for an impromptu lunch. Griffith says her mother had been to Stacked a number of times before and had enjoyed both the food and the dining experience; she knew both Terri and Michael, who Professor Griffith describes as a “part-time application developer and full-time iPad strategist,” would love the iPad POS Systems that Stacked employs.

As you may recall from two of our earlier blog posts (see “Restaurants Worldwide Dabbling with iPad Digital Menus for Ordering” and “USA Today Reports iPad Digital Menus Replacing Waiters”),” Stacked’s fast-casual-plus concept centers around the iPad POS Systems, which gives their customers control over both what and when they order and how and when they pay — freeing their staff to focus on customer service and hospitality – a focus reinforced by giving servers the title, “concierge.” As a result, the iPad POS Systems enables Stacked to provide a dining experience on par with the full-service segment, while maintaining a price structure competitive with the fast-casual segment.

Griffith took the opportunity to speak with one of Stacked’s concierges. The concierge told Griffith the iPad POS Systems made the ordering process smoother for both guests and staff. The iPad POS System, she said, alleviated servers’ concerns that they would not hear an order correctly; it also enables guests to call the server to the table, if they need any assistance.

So, what does the award-winning Management Professor think of the use of the iPad POS Systems in fast-casual restaurants like Stacked?

Overall, Griffith found the iPad POS System to be both “intuitive” and “fun.” She especially liked the fact that with the iPad POS Systems, a customer knows how much their order will cost, before they place it, and can readily see how adding or removing a topping impacts that cost; she also was impressed with the way the iPad POS Systems not only lets customers choose to split the bill, but gives them control over how they wish to do that.

Professor Griffith says the iPad POS System is a highly desirable approach” that enhances the dining experience; she absolutely recommends it for fast-casual or quick-service restaurants (QSR). “The power of the [iPad POS Systems].” she says, “is in the control it gives to the customer and the process it creates with the staff.”

Griffith is hoping Stacked will soon open a location in Silicon Valley with its iPad POS Systems in place.


Disclaimer: This is an independent report sourced from one or more news articles and or press releases; none of the company’s, entities or technologies digressed in this report are affiliated with or a client of Open.

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