Posted 13 years ago by test test

Digital Menus Deliver the Future to NYC’s Music-Centric Eatery2 min read

De Santos — the upscale Italian restaurant that renovated and now occupies the historic brownstone on West 10th St., between Greenwich Ave. and Waverly Pl., in New York City’s trendy West Village – is anything but old fashioned; it’s leading the way into the future. Earlier this week, Inc. Magazine’s Dave Smith announced that De Santos has officially become the first restaurant in New York City to have digital menus run all of its routine daily functions. Smith reported that the digital menus not only “do everything associated with the day-to-day functions of the restaurant” (such as taking orders, transmitting them to the kitchen, and handling payment), they do it easier, faster, cheaper, and more efficiently.

Neither the 3-year-old restaurant, nor the cutting-edge digital menus seem out of place in the 166-year-old building in the western portion of Greenwich Village, that was once home to rock superstar, Janis Joplin (who, at one time rented a third-floor apartment in the building); venue to legend Bob Dylan (who gave his second performance in NY there); and rendezvous point to detective, Frank Serpico, whose testimony of widespread police corruption in New York City inspired the screenplay, Serpico, in which Al Pacino played the lead (who met secretly with police for the first time there).

Perhaps, it’s because, as NY1 wrote last summer, “the building is following its musical past.” The restaurant it now houses was founded and is owned, in part, by Alex González — drummer for the award-winning Mexican Rock band, Maná, and considered by some to be “one of the top three drummers in the world”; or, perhaps, it’s because the cutting-edge digital menus that keep the restaurant’s routine operations running smoothly, increase customer sales and satisfaction, reduce waiting time, and improve service, echo the words Bob Dylan made famous in the early ‘60s:“The Times They Are a-Changin’.”

Customers Able to Tender Payment Via Digital Menu

The music-centric restaurant is changing with them. De Santos has optimized its operations by replacing not only its paper menus, but its entire outdated point-of-sale (POS) system with the state-of-the-art POS and payment system on its new digital menu.